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Google's greenhouse gas emissions have increased by nearly 50% in five years because of AI

Google's greenhouse gas emissions have increased by nearly 50% in five years because of AI


Google's greenhouse gas emissions have increased by about 50% over the past five years due to the energy-hungry data centers needed to run its artificial intelligence, according to the company's 2024 environmental report released Tuesday. The report, released annually by Google, charts the company's progress toward reaching its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

According to the report, Google will emit 14.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2023, 48% more than in 2019 and 13% more than the previous year. This result is mainly due to increased data center energy consumption and supply chain emissions, Google said in the report. As it further integrates AI into its products, increased energy demands from expected increases in investments in technology infrastructure could make it difficult to reduce emissions.

Google's report focuses on the environmental impact of the explosion of artificial intelligence on the planet. Tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta and Apple plan to pour billions of dollars into AI, but training AI models requires huge amounts of energy. Using AI features also uses significant amounts of energy. In 2023, researchers from AI startup Hugging Face and Carnegie Mellon University found that generating one image using artificial intelligence could use as much energy as charging a smartphone. Bernstein analysts said AI could double the growth rate of electricity demand in the United States, causing total consumption to exceed current supply in the next two years, the Financial Times reported. Last month, Microsoft, which also pledged to be carbon negative by the end of the decade, reported that greenhouse gas emissions have increased by nearly 30% since 2020 due to the construction of data centers.

Google reports that its data centers are using much more water for cooling due to expanding AI workloads, which have included Google Search suggesting you eat rocks, suggesting how to put glue on pizza to keep the cheese from falling off, and its AI-powered chatbot, Gemini, generating ethnically diverse images of Nazis.

In 2023, Google's data centers will use 17% more water than the previous year — 6.1 billion liters, enough water to irrigate about 41 golf courses in the southwestern United States for a year, according to the company's quirky and unconventional measurements.

Our report notes that as our business and industry continue to evolve, total GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions are expected to increase before decreasing toward absolute emissions reduction targets, but does not explain what would trigger the decrease. Predicting the future environmental impact of AI is complex and evolving, and historical trends may not fully capture AI's future trajectory. As we continue to deeply integrate AI across our product portfolio, it becomes less meaningful to distinguish between AI and other workloads.

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