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Universities Invest in Microcredential Program Leaders

Universities Invest in Microcredential Program Leaders


More and more universities are seeking dedicated leaders for their microcredential programs.

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Amy Heitzman noticed a new trend when the UPCEA, the online and professional education association, put out a call last year for institutions considering expanding their microcredential programs.

5 out of 40 [applicants] “We're going to hire someone to oversee this,” said Heitzman, UPCEA's deputy CEO and chief learning officer. “Huh?” I thought, but it's not surprising because it's a requirement.

Microcredentials (also known as digital badges, credentials, certificates or alternative credentials) have grown in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, they are experiencing renewed interest as educational institutions look to broaden their reach to non-traditional students amid looming enrollment declines.

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In addition to supporting these programs, some universities are taking it a step further by hiring staff solely to oversee microcredential efforts.

If you are a mature person [microcredential] “When we approach a program, we think about how we can make it even better,” Heitzman says. If we're new to the field, we approach it from a holistic perspective of, 'Maybe we need a keeper to lead this institution in X or Y.' Institutions need to realize, 'We need to get into this space,' and have a top-down commitment.”

Last month, the University of Texas Medical Center joined the group, hiring a director for the Office of Personal and Professional Success, while the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is hiring a coordinator for microcredentials and badges.

UNL's search began after a successful microcredential pilot project in the school's College of Agriculture in 2022. University officials wanted to expand the program but it was clear they needed someone in charge.

Award Ceremony [of microcredentials] “The hard part isn't the process, it's how you build it and market it,” said Kevin Schreiner, UNL's assistant vice chancellor for digital and online learning. He said the university knew running a microcredential program would be a lot of work and it knew it needed people who could focus on both the non-degree and degree sides.

One of the first people in the country to take on a leadership role on microcredentials is Ann Reed, director of the University at Buffalo’s Office of Microcredentials since 2017. The SUNY is looking to roll out a microcredential program across the SUNY system, and Reed helped launch that effort at Buffalo in 2018.

While the University at Buffalo doesn't quite fit the image of an institution typically associated with microcredentials, it doesn't have an extensive online course program and, Reed said, is a community-based institution.

“We're still a research-focused university, but we want to be a university known for innovation and we want to provide opportunities for all types of learners,” she said. “Everyone recognizes that universities are changing, and we need to change, or we won't be able to serve everyone who needs our services.”

Reid said that while microcredentials emerged as a passing fad at times post-COVID, they have proven to have staying power.

I think some people are only now starting to realize, “Certifications are not going away, how do we participate in a way that is relevant for our organization?” There will always be interest in alternative certifications. Lifelong learning is inevitable. We need to continually learn and be certified.

The specific nature of microcredential programs and their coordinators vary widely from institution to institution, but according to Heitzman of the UPCEAs, there are typically two ways they work: Heitzman said microcredential coordinators can focus on working within the institution, working with faculty on potential microcredential ideas, getting approval from necessary committees, and ensuring the quality of the courses. Or, some leaders work externally with community members to ensure workforce needs are met.

The latter is crucial to the success of microcredential programs, according to Shalyn Jyotishi, senior adviser for education, labor, and the future of work at New America.

“There is little justification for higher education institutions to offer microcredentials without direct employer involvement,” he said. “Microcredentials demonstrate competency in a particular skill set. Higher education institutions have an obligation to work with employers to ensure that microcredentials equip students with the skills employers need.”

He said the time is ripe for four-year universities to collaborate with community colleges, which have long had strong relationships with local groups and businesses sensitive to their talent needs, while also providing two-year institutions with the infrastructure they need for online and larger programs.

For universities that can’t afford to dedicate staff to burgeoning microcredential programs, Heitzman suggested creating a coalition of willing colleges to coordinate the effort.

Talk to them about what you can do in-house and in partnerships, she said, whether that be with other agencies or casual collaborations with local employers.




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