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Celebrate the 4th of July in Memory of Women


Mary Sherman Morgan (Photo: NCWI)

Jane Pritt

ALEXANDRIA, VA – What better way to celebrate Dr. Gladys B. West, the mathematician behind the Global Positioning System (GPS), than with a National Center for Women and Innovation (NCWI) traveling exhibit featuring Dr. West that will debut at Virginia Tech’s Innovation Campus headquarters when the campus opens in January 2025. The exhibit will entertain the public and students for six months, then continue on a national tour. [email protected].

Dr. West received her PhD from Virginia Tech at age 70 and received the Distinguished Achievement Award at the university's commencement this year at age 93. We are thrilled with this location and this collaboration because it connects a valuable high-tech educational institution with the public while using extraordinary female role models to encourage students of all backgrounds, especially girls, to pursue these fields. Another great news is that students and faculty from the Blacksburg campus will design the exhibit, providing new learning opportunities for students and solidifying our collaboration. Maj. Gen. Grace Hopper (Photo: NCWI)

I like to point out that today only 28 percent of the STEM workforce is women, and only 2 percent of those are women of color. We urgently need to encourage all women to join the STEM workforce to advance these studies and solve our world's challenges. To be successful, we need to learn from the work of our innovative predecessors.

Many Alexandrians cheered at the recent Virginia Tech event announcing their involvement in the exhibit. See some snapshots of those in attendance below.

Local author Sheila Moses helped popularize the effort. Her latest book, “African Americans and the Educated: The Legacy of Black Colleges and Universities,” includes the story of Dr. West's journey from earning his bachelor's and master's degrees at Virginia State University, where he was mentored by professors John and Louise Hunter. Dr. West speaks of the importance of his school and these mentors in encouraging his accomplishments.

Moses herself is an inspiring and prolific writer, an avid supporter of NCWI, and a graduate of HBSC (Historically Black Schools and Colleges). Moses' subjects include comedian Dick Gregory and the legend of Buddy Bush. In 2004, she was nominated for a National Book Award for The Legend of Buddy Bush and named a Coretta Scott King Award winner. In 2009, her novel Joseph was nominated for an NAACP Image Award. Her most recent books include We Were the Fire: Birmingham, 1963, Who Is Ketanji Brown Jackson? Who is Stacey Abrams? and She Persisted.

While celebrating local celebrities, NCWI wants to remind everyone of the role women have played in rocket propulsion and computer launch. Without Mary Sherman Morgan, America's first woman rocket scientist, the rocket's red glow would not have blasted off to Jupiter's moons.

Though Morgan didn't attend school until she was nine years old, she always wanted to be a chemist. She eventually went to college but didn't get a degree. But she was a genius at her job: making explosives. In 1957, she invented the liquid fuel hydyne, which fueled the Jupiter-C rocket that launched America's first satellite, Explorer 1. Overshadowed by Wernher von Braun's fame and sometimes shying away from the limelight, she is an overlooked heroine of the country's space program. Mary Sherman Morgan, you're amazing!

When most people think of the military, they rarely think about the women who have served our country so bravely and innovatively.

However, there have been and are still women who have made a name for themselves in technology: Rear Admiral Grace Brewster Hopper, a pioneer in computer programming, played a key role in the development of computer languages ​​including COBOL. According to Wikipedia, the US Navy's Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Hopper is named after her, as is NERSC's Cray XE6 Hopper supercomputer.[6]and Nvidia's superchip, Grace Hopper.As we think about how grateful we are to our nation's leaders, know that women deserve thanks too.

To learn more about these incredible women, visit our Women Innovators page: Even better, spread the word. Women are changing the world, too. Join us in the effort:

In case you missed it: Celebrating Juneteenth and Black History in Alexandria

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