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New Google AI suite debuts with Pixel 9 series


Google Pixel has always been known for its AI smarts. Since the beginning, Google has focused on developing unique and useful features, and given the current LLM boom, it is not surprising that the upcoming Google Pixel 9 series will bring even more complex AI experiences.

Android Authority has learned from sources inside Google that the company plans to introduce a suite of new ML features under the brand name Google AI, including one that will be similar to Microsoft's controversial Recall feature.

The essence of Google AI

Google AI will be a mix of new and existing features: Circle to Search is already available on Pixel and some third-party devices, while Gemini is available on all Android phones.

However, there are three brand new features. The first is “Add Me,” which makes sure everyone in a group photo is included. There's no additional information about the feature, but it appears to be an upgraded version of “Best Take,” which can merge takes with different people in them as well as change the facial expressions of people in the photo. “Best Take” was first introduced in the Pixel 8 series and was a controversial, but still useful feature to have. “Add Me” shows that Google wants to push the idea that it's not what you actually photograph that matters, but what you're photographing, and that it thinks AI might be the solution to this challenge.

For the Pixel 9, Google is grouping new and existing features under the Google AI banner.

Another new feature is Studio, which appears to be the same Creative Assistant app we've noted before, and according to information we've spotted previously, the app will be integrated into the Pixels screenshot editor app and will let you create (remix) stickers.

From the description in the screenshots above, it seems like the app can do a lot more than just create stickers. It could be an all-in-one AI image generation tool, similar to Apple's Image Playground. It's worth noting that Google has been working on developing its own image generation models, and even video generation models, for a while. If you want to try it for yourself, ImageFX lets anyone try out the Google Imagen 2 model, and VideoFX (currently in closed beta) extends the functionality to video. It will definitely be interesting to see how Google integrates Studio into its other apps.

Finally, and perhaps the most interesting feature, is Pixel Screenshots.

Pixel screenshot brings recall feature to Android

Pixel Screenshots is a feature very similar to Microsoft's controversial Recall feature. In case you haven't had access to the internet for the past month, Recall is a Windows 11 feature exclusive to the new Copilot Plus PC. The feature automatically captures everything you do and uses on-device AI to help you quickly find the information you're looking for. However, many criticized the feature due to its privacy implications, especially after it was revealed that an attacker with access to a user's machine could read all the information stored by the feature, leading Microsoft to pause the rollout until they could resolve these issues.

Google's take on this feature is different and more privacy-focused: instead of automatically capturing everything you're doing, it only works on screenshots that you take yourself. When you do this, the app adds a bit of extra metadata like the app name, web links, etc., which are then processed by a local AI (likely a new multi-modal version of Gemini Nano) that lets you search for a particular screenshot by its content alone, or ask a bot a question.

Features like Google's Recall only apply to manually captured screenshots, making them more secure.

My take on this feature is that it's definitely a better implementation of the idea than what Microsoft has created. Although there are differences in functionality, both apps ultimately serve a similar purpose, and at least Google's implementation doesn't give away sensitive information as easily. It will be interesting to see how it works in practice.

Motorola is also working on its own version of Recall, though details are scarce at this time, but it's likely to be similar to Google's implementation in that it won't automatically save all on-screen data.

What do you think about the new Google AI features coming to the Pixel 9 series? Let us know in the comments.

Will the new AI features tempt you to buy a Pixel 9?

1316 votes

Yes, Google's AI tools are a key component.


I would buy this, but not for the AI.


I won't be buying a Pixel 9 because of the AI.


Either way, I'm not going to buy it.






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