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NY SMART-I corridor to receive $40 million in federal funding


The New York Semiconductor Manufacturing, Research and Innovation Corridor Consortium received $40 million in federal funding, and Rochester, along with Buffalo and Syracuse, is part of the NY SMART-I group.

Over the next five years, the consortium will play a key role in supporting upstate New York's continued growth and positioning the region as a global competitive center for semiconductor talent development, innovation and manufacturing as part of its ongoing transformation from a Rust Belt to an Innovation Belt, according to the state.

The grant is the second phase of a Regional Technology and Innovation Hub allocation awarded by the U.S. Department of Commerce and also unlocks $8 million in matching funds and additional resources from Empire State Development.

New York Governor Kathy Hockle said this transformative federal grant will allow New York to take a major step toward building chip country in the state, and thanked Senators Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand and Representative Joseph Morrell for their support. The grant will help bring the next generation of semiconductor research, manufacturing and workforce training to upstate New York, and will add to other investments in the state to further increase funding to attract chip manufacturing companies and jobs.

Last fall, the NY SMART-I corridor received 31 tech hub designation from the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration out of nearly 400 regional applications, making it one of only four semiconductor tech hubs designated in the nation.

The consortium spans Western New York, the Finger Lakes and Central New York regions and is hosted by the Buffalo Niagara Partnership, ROC2025 and CenterState CEO, according to state officials, meaning it will include more than 80 members from economic development, government, workforce development, labor, industry, academia and nonprofit organizations.

Today's announcement that NY SMART I-Corridor is one of a handful of newly funded federal tech hubs demonstrates the power of collaboration and marks a critical turning point for the entire region, said Joe Stefko, president of ROC2025 and regional innovation lead for the NY Smart I-Corridor tech hub.

“Three years ago, we began building a new collaborative vision for the Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse Corridor, one focused on advancing semiconductor production and the supply chain,” he adds. “Targeted investments in talent, innovation and advanced manufacturing made possible by the hub's funding will position us to lead across the semiconductor value chain, and in so doing, expand economic opportunity for everyone across the corridor.”

The Tech Hub aims to build a semiconductor ecosystem across areas such as equitable workforce development and talent placement, research and commercialization pathways, etc. This work will be done in partnership with leading academic institutions, the growth and development of the chip manufacturing supply chain, and technology innovation.

The consortium will be governed by a multi-sector Implementation Governance Committee and, along with ESD's Semiconductor Expansion, Management and Integration Office, will serve as a key coordinating body for the growth of the semiconductor industry.

“New York State is reviving its semiconductor industry with an emphasis on smart and strategic growth, cultivating an equitable and diverse workforce, and cutting-edge research and development and innovation that will serve as a model for the nation and the world,” said ESD President, CEO and Commissioner Hope Knight. “The funding provided by the Biden Administration to the Tech Hub will help us realize our shared vision of building a vibrant innovation sector, growing a domestic semiconductor supply chain, and protecting our economic and national security while creating good jobs for all New Yorkers.”

Smriti Jacob is editor-in-chief of the Rochester Beacon. The Beacon welcomes comments and letters from readers who abide by our comment policy, including the use of real names. Submissions to the letters page should be made by[email protected].





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