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Nebo Google Drive Sync: MyScript Support


Direct sync with Google Drive is available for Android, Windows, and iOS devices.

The sync process is set to automatic, you can disable it in the app settings.

Before you can connect to the cloud, you need to create a MyScript account. Please note that the free version of Nebo for iOS and Android does not include the sync feature. To access the sync feature, you need to upgrade the Nebo app to the full version via in-app purchase. How Google Drive works

Google Drive lets you share your notes between the cloud and your cloud-connected devices. If you modify or delete a note on one device, it will be reflected in Google Drive and on your other devices the next time you sync. You can choose to sync your entire Nebo library or specific notebooks. To sync a notebook, just tap the sync icon next to it.

Auto-sync feature Auto-sync ensures that your notes are seamlessly synced between all devices where you have Nebo installed and signed in to your MyScript and Google Drive accounts. Auto-sync is enabled by default, ensuring that syncing happens without any manual intervention and automatically syncs any changes made to your notes across devices. Your MyScript account must be active to use this feature. To save battery life, auto-sync is not enabled in low battery mode. Important: Auto-sync does not back up your content. To protect your data, use the separate “Backup” option available in Settings. To connect to Google Drive on your iOS device, go to Settings > Accounts > Sign in. Sign in to your MyScript account. Go to Settings > Sync > Google Drive. If you want to sync over your mobile operator's network, switch on Sync over Cellular. This may be slower than standard sync over Wi-Fi and may incur charges from your network provider. To connect to Google Drive on your Android device, go to Settings > Accounts > Sign in. Sign in to your MyScript account. Select Google Drive. Sign in to your Google Drive account. To connect to Google Drive on your Windows device,[設定]>[サインイン]Go to. Sign in to your MyScript account. Select Google Drive. Sign in to your Google Drive account. If you're syncing over your mobile operator network,[携帯電話経由で同期]This method may be slower than standard Wi-Fi sync and may incur charges from your network provider. Sync across multiple devices

Even though automatic sync is available, to ensure your notes are updated across all your devices, you will need to sync manually from time to time to prevent cloud conflicts and ensure your Nebo library is kept up to date across all your devices.

Google Drive sync conflicts

If Google Drive detects a conflict between a note stored in the cloud and a note on your device, Nebo will store both versions in your library and you can review each version to decide which one to keep and which to delete.

Can I open and read .nebo files on the cloud?

During synchronization, .nebo files are not listed to the user even though they are present in the cloud – they can only be opened and read in the Nebo app.

Is there a difference between syncing and backing up notes?

Yes, syncing and backing up your notes are completely different processes and confusing them can result in data loss. For more information, read this: What is the difference between backing up and syncing my data?

Do I need to buy Nebo for each platform (Win, iOS, Android) to sync?

For synchronization, you need to get Nebo for each OS platform. It is important to understand that each store works independently, so a purchase in one store does not apply to the other stores. To enable multi-OS synchronization, you need to buy Nebo from each store. For more information, see Purchasing Nebo for different operating systems.


Google Drive doesn't offer an option to restore lost notes in case of accidental cloud overwrite, which is why it's so important to make regular backups of your entire library on your device in case something unexpected happens.

Please note that the free versions of Nebo for iOS and Android do not include the sync feature. To access the sync feature, you will need to make a one-time in-app purchase to upgrade your Nebo app to the full version.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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