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Google AI may mix good and questionable ideas in anticipated Pixel 9


Google is reportedly planning to integrate existing and new machine learning (ML) features into a collection called Google AI for Pixel, with anonymous insiders speaking to Android Authority recently and spilling the beans on what the tech giant has in store.

Before we get into the details, keep in mind that this report of a potential update comes from a single screenshot of a menu, and since not much has been revealed, the conclusions mentioned in the initial article are mostly speculation.

As for existing features, both Circle to Search, already available on Pixel and Galaxy smartphones, and the brand's current AI assistant, Gemini, will be brought under this new Google AI umbrella. The first new feature mentioned in the report is “Add Me,” which is described as a way to “make sure everyone is in group photos.”

It's unclear exactly what this means, but Android Authority speculates that it could be an improved Best Take. For those unaware, it's an AI tool that stitches photos together to make everyone look their best and fixes awkward shots. “Add Me” could be an upgrade, as it potentially adds users to photos that weren't originally included.

“Studio” is the second new feature added, and judging by the accompanying text, it's an AI image generator. Google has been working on image generation models for a while now, releasing ImageFX in February as one of its first forays into the technology. This could be a mobile version to bring it to a wider audience.

Screenshot Scan

The final ML feature, Screenshots, is perhaps the most interesting. According to the publication, the tool uses artificial intelligence to scrutinize screenshots on your device and provide information that helps answer questions.

This is very similar to Microsoft's controversial Recall feature. For those unfamiliar, Recall was a search tool that continuously recorded screenshots of activity on a particular Copilot Plus PC. It was heavily criticized as a privacy nightmare, and Microsoft has since withdrawn the tool.

Google's Screenshot differs from Recall in that it's “more privacy-focused”: instead of recording continuously, it only works on screenshots that you take yourself. From there, the software inserts “additional metadata” into the file, like the name of the app or a web link.

The photos are “processed by a local AI” and can be used to search for specific images or answer questions about their content, with Android Authority noting that this is “a better implementation of the idea than the way Microsoft proposed it.” [had] Created.”

Analysis: AI competition

It's also possible that Google is combining everything under one name to better compete with rivals like Apple Intelligence and Moto AI. Smartphone makers are incorporating AI tech into their devices as a new way to differentiate themselves from the rest. Apple Intelligence is particularly interesting because it will enable a number of features in the Mac ecosystem when it's released later this year, such as summarizing messages, generating emojis, and instantly answering text prompts.

The Pixel series has similar features, but Google's AI services are less cohesive than Apple Intelligence, and it lacks important tools like an image generator and screenshot scanner.

There's no word on if or when the Google AI collection will be released, but the report claims it will be rolled out alongside the Pixel 9 launch.

Be sure to check out TechRadar's list of the best Pixel phones for 2024.

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