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Proton launches encrypted documents to compete with Google Docs


Yen said Proton has been using the system internally for the past month and is now ready to roll it out to consumers. “We feel it's relatively sophisticated,” Yen said. To compete with other online document editors, he said the team also built in collaboration features from the start, including multi-person real-time editing, commenting and the ability to indicate when other users are viewing a document.

In April, Proton acquired Standard Notes, an encrypted note-taking app that is a separate product from Docs. Yen added that this doesn't actually mean Standard Notes was rolled into Proton, but rather that the two encryption architectures are different, and that Proton Docs is a clean build of the Proton ecosystem on top of our software stack from scratch. (WIRED was not able to test Docs before its release.)

The big difference Proton adds compared to Google Docs is encryption, which is difficult to do at scale and when multiple people are editing a document at the same time. Yen says it's not just the contents of the document that are encrypted, but other elements like keystrokes, mouse movements, file names and paths, etc.

The company, which announced its transition to nonprofit status last month, uses open-source encryption, and building the Docs system required exchanging and syncing encryption keys between multiple users, Yen said. This was possible, he said, because the company added version history last year for documents stored in the Drive system on which Docs is built.

There are few major end-to-end encrypted document editors online — existing services that WIRED didn't test include CryptPad and a variety of note-taking and notepad-style apps, as well as apps that encrypt files on the local machine, such as Cryptee and Anytype.

Recently, Proton has been rapidly launching new encryption products that add cloud storage, a VPN, a password manager, and a calendar in addition to its original ProtonMail email service. The company has also come under scrutiny for some of the information it provided to law enforcement, such as recovery emails added to accounts. The company changed some of its policies in 2021 after being ordered to collect user metadata. Although the company is based outside the US and EU, it still responds to thousands of requests from Swiss law enforcement.

Ultimately, Yen says, the company is trying to offer as many private alternatives to big tech companies, especially Google, as possible. Everything Google has, we have to build too. That's the roadmap. But of course, the challenge is in what order to do it, Yen says. In some ways, bringing privacy to a more mainstream audience also requires us to go further afield, try different things, and be a bit more adventurous in what we build and launch.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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