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Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Ultra with Intel AI chip launched in India | Gadgets


Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Ultra

2 min read Last Updated: July 3, 2024 | 03:34 PM IST

South Korean electronics giant Samsung launched the Galaxy Book 4 Ultra in India on July 3. The premium laptop is powered by an Intel Core Ultra processor and comes with advanced artificial intelligence capabilities with the integrated Neural Processing Unit (NPU). Additionally, the Galaxy Book 4 Ultra comes equipped with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and a Dynamic AMOLED 2X display.

Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Ultra: Price and availability

The Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Ultra is priced starting at Rs 233,990. It comes with up to 1TB of onboard storage and 16GB or 32GB of RAM options. The laptop comes in a 16-inch display size and Moonstone Grey finish and will be available for sale on Samsung's official website and in select offline stores.

Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Ultra: Specifications

Processor and GPU

The Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Ultra is powered by Intel Core Ultra series processors (Ultra 9 and Ultra 7) with a dedicated Neural Processing Unit (NPU) for handling AI workloads. It also comes with a dedicated NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPU, enabling Samsung to offer generative AI tools powered by NVIDIA TensorRT for features such as text-based image generation.

Display and Audio

The laptop features a 16-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X touchscreen display with 3K resolution and up to 120Hz refresh rate. Samsung's Vision Booster technology automatically detects the environment to optimize visibility and color reproduction. The display is complemented by an AKG quad-speaker setup that supports Dolby Atmos surround sound. The Galaxy Book 4 Ultra also comes with a dual-mic setup with two-way AI noise cancellation to capture clear audio during video calls.

Battery and Connectivity

Samsung claims the laptop has long battery life and includes a 140W adapter that can charge the battery to 55% in 30 minutes. The Galaxy Book 4 Ultra also offers a variety of ports for connectivity, including HDMI 2.1 and a USB 3.2 port with Thunderbolt 4 support.

Additional Features

Samsung says the Galaxy Book 4 Ultra offers several additional features when used alongside a Samsung Galaxy smartphone: users can use the smartphone as an external webcam and use smartphone apps directly from the laptop using Easy Phone connection. Samsung Galaxy Tab users can also use the tablet as a secondary screen for the Galaxy Book 4 Ultra using the Second Screen feature.

First Published: July 3, 2024 | 3:34 PM IST




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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