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New Samsung images reveal Galaxy Z Fold 6's design advantages


Updated with Samsung promotional signage on July 2. This article was originally posted on July 1.

A customer experiences the 2023 Galaxy Z Fold5 at a Samsung retail store (Photo credit: … [+] CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images

Future Publishing via Getty Images

Samsung is finalizing its presentation at next week's Galaxy Unpacked event, which will include the unveiling of the highly anticipated Galaxy Z Fold6, so there's still time to get a sneak peek at what the new foldable smartphone has to offer.

Update: Tuesday, July 2: Samsung is also rolling out graphic teasers around the world. While the South Korean company hasn't officially released any images of the upcoming Galaxy foldable phone, this weekend Samsung launched its Galaxy Unpacked campaign in major cities around the world.

Combining pastel colors and angular surfaces, the sign features a stylized folding surface that clearly highlights the upcoming Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6 smartphones. The sign also promotes Samsung's Galaxy AI software, a key feature set that earned the Galaxy S24 series the top spot for AI-enabled smartphones in January.

The artwork also includes a hint of the Eiffel Tower, fitting for tech-minded people as the Galaxy Unpacked launch venue, and for a wider audience as the site of this summer's Olympics, of which Samsung is a major sponsor. Expect more Olympic-themed marketing for the Fold and Flip phones once they launch.

The new images, from well-known tipster Evan Blass, feature several renders of the device that are similar in style to previous marketing stills, with squared-off corners, a wider cover display and an improved aspect ratio for the internal display all showing off.

Interestingly, these renders show some further detail of the crucial hinge assembly: the technology has matured from the bulky, exposed hinges of early Z Fold devices, allowing for designs with fewer internal moving parts, smaller physical size, and better protection against environmental conditions.

These images show that the Z Fold6 will continue the trend of miniaturizing hinge assemblies, part of which could come down to reducing part count, an approach other foldable device makers have seen success with.

Both the Galaxy Z Fold4 and Z Fold5 ship with an IPX8 rating, which certifies the device as water-resistant to a depth of 1.5 meters for 30 minutes, but doesn't offer any protection from dust or small particles.

If Samsung can find a way to better protect the hinge and make it dust-proof as well, the Galaxy Z Fold6 would be a strong selling point against the current options in the foldable smartphone market and a compelling argument for consumers who are concerned that foldable phones are fragile and prone to malfunctions.

Learn more about Samsung's integration of Galaxy AI into its devices and peripherals.




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