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Cycling's latest technological innovation? Apparently superglue: Biniam Guillemais Intermark Wanty team uses adhesive to get around UCI rules on helmet covers at the Tour de France


The Tour de France has often provided fertile ground for the modernization of groundbreaking cycling technology until the UCI stepped in, but the latest innovations are gone before they even have time to compete in a sprint finish.

And after Dylan Groenewegens' bizarre aerobics was thwarted by officials before the start of Turin on this year's Tour's third stage, the rider who beat the Dutch champion that afternoon, Biniam Ghirmay, was wearing a helmet that had been tightly fastened by the governing body's sharp-eyed enforcers with a clever application of Superglue.

The Art Attack-inspired method was adopted by the Girmais Intermark Wanty team, allowing their riders to wear the striking new black and white Uvex helmets that the Eritrean wore when he made Tour history at the end of a chaotic sprint finish on Monday afternoon.

The new Uvex helmet, the model name of which has yet to be revealed, features a 2-in-1 aero and ventilation solution, meaning it comes with a removable plastic cover that can be attached if you prioritise aerodynamic benefits over the need to stay cool.

(ASO/Charlie Lopez)

A normal helmet has numerous openings, but with the cover on, only three small vents at the front and four at the back are visible.

However, the helmet's two-in-one design violates Article 1.3.031 of the UCI technical regulations, which prohibits adding a removable cover to a helmet, and it was never used on the roads of the Tour.

The special rule was introduced in 2012, a year after Mark Cavendish wore a then-groundbreaking transparent helmet cover on his way to winning the World Championships in Copenhagen.

Girmay and teammate Louis Meintjes told Cycling News that the team simply brought twice as many helmets to the Tour in response to the UCI's 12-year crackdown on helmet covers.

Biniam Ghirmay and Louis Meintjes without helmet covers, before Stage 1 (ASO/Charlie Lopez)

Intermarch Wanty used a somewhat primitive method to attach covers to half of these helmets, using superglue to make them permanent and unremovable, thus complying with UCI rules and allowing riders to choose between two different helmets depending on the type of stage they were going to tackle.

While Ghirmay wore the super-glued aero version during the stage-winning sprint in Turin and on today's flat stretch to Sant'Vrba, the Eritrean opted for the more ventilated model for Saturday's scorching hot opening stage between Florence and Rimini, while his Intermark Wanty team-mate was seen wearing a combination of the two ahead of yesterday's mountain trek to Valloire.

(ASO/Billy Seusters)

Of course, the Intermarch One Tees super adhesive helmet loophole is not the first time attempts by riders, teams and manufacturers to introduce innovative new technology have been thwarted by the UCI during the Tour.

As we reported yesterday, Dylan Groenewegen revealed that he was ordered to remove the strange aerobic gear he was wearing during the third stage of the Tour, which was won by Gilles May. The nose protector for his Scicon glasses had apparently attracted the attention of the sport's governing body, and he was required to remove it mid-stage.

A bridge too far? Scicon sells bizarre aero 'beak' for $350; Dylan Groenewegen reveals he was ordered by the UCI to remove his nose cover during a Tour de France stage

The cycling world was in an uproar on Monday when the Dutch sprinter was spotted wearing Batman-style glasses at the start of a stage in Piacenza. Naturally, it sparked a flurry of jokes, memes, mockery and folly online as fans tried to make sense of the latest, most ridiculous, cutting edge of questionable aerodynamic technology.

But by the time Groenewegen sprinted to fifth place, he was wearing regular beakless sunglasses and his aero nose cover was not visible – according to a video subsequently shared by his team, Jaiko AlUla, the reason for this was that the UCI had stepped in and ordered Groenewegen to remove the nose cover.

“We have to postpone it from the UCI… This was a big surprise! I think they saw that I wasn't pedaling and said this is not fair, I have to stop wearing these fast sunglasses,” joked the Dutch champion.

Perhaps Jaiko AlUla should have considered using superglue to secure the beak in place?




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