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Former Mayfair Games VP reflects on Catan's success


STURGEON BAY (NBC 26) Catan recently released a new version of the game that tackles climate change and it's making waves around the world.

Mayfair Games was the original English language publisher of the popular tabletop game, until its owners sold the games catalogue to another company nearly a decade ago.

From there, several members of the Roznay family, who owned Mayfair Games, decided to permanently relocate to Washington Island and purchase Stephen's Cedar Lodge.

Even though they are no longer associated with the popular game, they are happy with the game's continued success.

“It's cool to sit back and say, 'Here's your new favorite,' and find out it's right,” said Lauren Roznay, former vice president of Mayfair Games on Washington Island.

Roznay said he was proud of how far the tabletop game Catan has come since his family sold Mayfair about 10 years ago.

It was a tough decision, more than just a roll of the dice.

“I think it's amazing that Catan is still so popular after almost 30 years. Next year is its 30th anniversary,” Roznay said.

“I think it's pretty cool to be able to play board games with people who have a connection to board games,” said MacLeod Hageman of NBC 26 Today.

“You're not alone in feeling that way. It's always so much fun to make those connections and have people go crazy and think it's super cool. For me, I loved it, but that was my job,” Roznay said.

Although Roznay hadn't played the game in years, he was able to explain the rules perfectly.

“The first person to get 10 points wins, and then they have to expand their territory to get all the resources,” Roznay said.

Roznay said he hasn't played the game in a while, but if he was shown the updated version that adapts to climate change, he'd definitely have to change how he plays.

Roznay read out the game's new box: “Today's Catanians need energy to power their society and keep it expanding, but pollution is a growing threat. In Catan: New Energy, you must decide whether to invest in more expensive clean energy or choose cheaper fossil fuels and risk disaster for Catan.”

Mac asked, “What's your reaction to that?”

Roznay responded: “I like the artwork though, I think it's really cool. I might have to actually check this out, but it's taken me a while. I might have to reach out to a friend.”

Gnocherry owner Pat Fuge says telling customers that the family who published the first English language edition of the game now owns Stephen's Cedar Lodge on Washington Island is a local charm he's happy to share.

“What we're doing is telling stories, and the great thing about tabletop games is that you get to tell stories together,” Fouge said.

After years of judging competitions and traveling the world educating people about the game, Roznay said he still recommends the game to anyone who wants to learn.

“I love this game. It's amazing. I've taught it thousands of times. It's the best game I've ever heard. Catan is never the same game twice. The rules are the same. The principles are the same, but the island is always changing,” Roznay said.

Fuge said the Sturgeon Bay street fair is the only place he knows where life-sized mats are set up so people can play Catan, using themselves as the game pieces.

He said the event draws people from all over the world and he plans to host more such games later this summer.

Fuge adds that you can also come to Gnoshery and play your version of Catan seven days a week.




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