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Syracuse University leads higher education consortium as part of $40 million grant to boost semiconductor manufacturing capacity in Central New York


A new $40 million grant for the New York Semiconductor Manufacturing Research and Innovation Corridor (NY SMART I-Corridor) was announced by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer yesterday at a press conference hosted by INFICON in Syracuse. Syracuse University will lead the NY SMART I-Corridors Collaboration and Commercialization Center. (Photo courtesy of Onondaga County)

Syracuse University will play a leading role in advancing semiconductor manufacturing capabilities in Central New York, thanks to $40 million in new funding provided to the Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse region through the U.S. Economic Development Administration Regional Tech Innovation Hub. The new award to the New York Semiconductor Manufacturing Research and Innovation Corridor (NY SMART I-Corridor) was announced yesterday by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer at a press conference hosted by INFICON in Syracuse. At the event, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Innovation J. Michael Haney spoke, and Vice Chancellor for Research Duncan Brown represented the university as the Syracuse University division's lead researcher for the Tech Hub awards.

This is a monumental win for the Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse region as the first major Tech Hub Award in the nation, and it comes with a massive $40 million in funding from my CHIPS and Science Law. “This major investment brings national attention from the federal government and confirms what I've known for years: that the future of American semiconductors is in the heart of upstate New York, along the I-90 corridor,” said Senator Schumer. “From the fields near Syracuse that are destined to become Micron's gigantic megafab, to the cutting-edge labs in Rochester and the workers learning these manufacturing techniques in Buffalo, this award will help bring the region together to seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity and establish upstate New York as the heart of America's semiconductor industry.” I created the Tech Hub Competition with upstate New York in mind, and I worked hard to win this award. First, I proposed this program in the Endless Frontier Act, then we passed it into law as part of the CHIPS and Science Act, making the case for bringing the region together, advocating at the highest levels, and making the transformative investments that made this day possible. What's more clear than ever is that the heart of America's semiconductor industry is located along the I-90 corridor in upstate New York.

Syracuse University will lead the NY SMART I-Corridors Collaboration and Commercialization Center (C3), which also includes Cornell University, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Rochester and University at Buffalo. C3 will administer millions of dollars in grant funding to enable small and medium-sized businesses to collaborate with area universities, bring new ideas to market and accelerate the growth of the region's semiconductor industry.

“Syracuse University is proud to lead this higher education collaboration that will help drive innovation and establish the NY SMART I-Corridor as the world's leading entrepreneurial incubator for the semiconductor industry,” said Chancellor Kent Syverud. “I am grateful to Senator Schumers for his unwavering support. This substantial new grant builds on the significant investments the University is making to build critical high-tech infrastructure and facilities, attract top semiconductor manufacturing researchers and faculty to the region, and develop unique experiential learning and internship opportunities for talented students.”

To support the NY SMART I-Corridor, the University will invest $10 million, matching a $10 million investment from Onondaga County, to build a state-of-the-art advanced semiconductor manufacturing facility. The center is part of a more than $100 million investment toward the strategic transformation of STEM at Syracuse University and the expansion of the College of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) over the next five years.

“Working with our regional partners and with Senator Schumer's committed support, Syracuse University will play a key role in revitalizing Central New York,” Haney said. “Today's announcement marks another milestone toward realizing that goal, and I'm excited for the continued opportunities to foster collaboration and innovation across our tech hub.”

As the NY SMART I-Corridor aims to become the epicenter of semiconductor commercialization activity in the U.S., C3 plans to consolidate the region's extensive assets into a single point of entry for small and medium-sized businesses, Brown said.

In a knowledge-driven society, university-led research and development is central to economic development. C3 will enable companies of all sizes to partner with universities to develop, prototype and test new products, Brown said. Through these partnerships, the NY SMART I-Corridor will accelerate the transfer of ideas from the lab to the marketplace.

Modeled after New York State's Advanced Technology Center, C3 will drive innovation in the I-Corridors semiconductor supply chain by establishing the following facilities:

The Innovation Asset/Expertise Engagement Network is an inventory of semiconductor-related facilities and innovation expertise across the I-Corridor, accessible through a central online portal. The Knowledge/IP Collaboration Architecture is a new IP architecture for the region that encourages cross-sector and inter-institutional collaboration to enhance commercialization efforts in the I-Corridor. A formal Community of Practice fosters collaboration among regional companies, researchers, investors, and manufacturers, and sponsors programs and internships designed to benefit underrepresented communities.

The federal tech hub designation spans Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo, and also includes Ithaca, Auburn and Batavia. Key academic partners include Monroe Community College in Rochester, which will lead the hub's workforce development efforts, and the University at Buffalo, which will lead efforts to improve the region's semiconductor supply chain.

Schumer said he created a Regional Tech Hub Competition as part of his CHIPS and Science bill, and the three-region consortium beat out hundreds of applications to become one of only 31 regions in the U.S. selected for the tech hub designation.




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