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Senator Rosen and Secretary Raimondo Announce Nevada Awarded Millions for Tech Hub


RENO, NV – Today, Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) and Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced in Reno that Nevada will receive approximately $21 million in federal funding for the Lithium Loop Tech Hub. This funding will help Nevada continue its growth as a national leader in the lithium supply chain and create thousands of high-paying jobs. The funding will support lithium's new workforce initiatives, invest in STEM education and enhance workforce opportunities, including for Native American and Indigenous students. Authorized by the bipartisan CHIPS and SCIENCE Act that Senator Rosen helped pass, the Tech Hub program is designed to directly invest in high-potential U.S. regions and transform them into globally competitive innovation centers.

Senator Rosen was instrumental in securing Tech Hub designation for the University of Nevada, Reno-led Lithium Loop project and has worked to secure millions of dollars in federal funding for the project. Earlier this year, Senator Rosen hosted a meeting with Secretary Raimondo and University President Brian Sandoval to advocate for securing this funding.

Senator Rosen said, “Northern Nevada has the potential to lead the world in battery and electric vehicle innovation, with the University of Nevada, Reno leading the way. That's why I'm proud to have helped secure the Lithium Loop tech hub designation and worked with Chancellor Sandoval to secure millions of dollars in funding. I'm proud that these efforts have paid off and our state will receive approximately $21 million that will incentivize innovation, create new economic opportunities and transform Nevada's economy by creating thousands of good-paying jobs in the lithium supply chain.”

“Thanks to strong leadership from President Biden in the White House, Senator Rosen in the Senate and others, we have embarked on a mission to identify and strengthen existing areas of talent so they can become world-class leaders in technology manufacturing and delivery,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. Based in Reno, the Nevada Tech Hub will bring together businesses, startups, schools and workforce development organizations to drive economic development and opportunity in Northern Nevada and create new, high-paying jobs, helping make the region a global lithium leader.”

“The University of Nevada, Reno is honored to have been selected for this elite designation and funding from the EDA, empowering our institution to be a global leader in energy technology. Our university is proud to lead a statewide effort with a strong network of more than 75 public, private and nonprofit partners to position our great state as a globally competitive innovation center in the emerging lithium battery, critical elements and other electric vehicle materials industry sectors. With the funding we received from the EDA today, combined with generous funding from the Nevada Legislature Interim Finance Committee, we will invest in targeted and aggressive business creation, attraction, retention and expansion efforts designed to fill identified gaps in this emerging industry sector across our state,” said University of Nevada, Reno Chancellor Brian Sandoval. As part of our Nevada Tech Hub efforts, we are especially proud of the Nevada Native Nations Center project, led by the university's Office of Native American Relations. “This project provides a national model that addresses workforce barriers and inequities while providing career pathway opportunities for Nevada's Native Americans, Tribal and Indigenous peoples in the lithium battery and electric vehicle materials industries. We thank Senator Jacky Rosen, Senator Cortez Masto, Governor Joe Lombardo and the Nevada Legislature Interim Finance Committee for their leadership and continued support of the Tech Hub Initiative, which will create a generational shift in Nevada's economic future.”

“This funding is critical to the development of lithium battery and electric vehicle technology in Nevada, while also advancing America's energy future,” said Governor Joe Lombard. “I look forward to seeing the innovation and advancements being made at the University of Nevada, Reno Tech Hub as a result of this funding.”

“The importance of today's announcement cannot be overstated. The Tech Hub Phase 2 designation recognizes Nevada's position as a leader in battery innovation and development in North America and the tremendous potential it has for the future,” said Caleb Cage, Executive Director of the Nevada Battery Coalition. “Without Senator Jacky Rosen's hard work and leadership, we wouldn't be where we are today. We appreciate her work on behalf of our industry, our state, and in supporting this designation. We also want to thank U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo for seeing our potential and investing in our future so we can continue to build this vital industry.”

“We are thrilled that Nevada's Native students will receive this important federal support,” said Nevada Department of Indian Affairs Director Stacey Montos. “For too long, the Native peoples of this land have been overlooked and faced inequities that have been passed down for generations. This funding is a critical step toward improving student outcomes and ending that cycle. The Nevada Department of Indian Affairs is grateful for Senator Rosen's advocacy to address this issue and bring much-needed attention and support to the continuing education of Native students.”

“As the leading trade association for Nevada's foundational STEM industries, the Nevada Mining Association is excited about the promising impact of Phase II funding for the Nevada Tech Hub,” said Nevada Mining Association President Amanda Hilton. “The Mining Association is excited about the promising impact of Phase II funding for the Nevada Tech Hub and we look forward to our continued collaboration with the consortium to develop impactful programs that advance the project's vision, including its critical role for the mining industry and domestic mineral demand.”

Senator Rosen has led the effort to bring tech hub designation and funding to Nevada. Senator Rosen was a guest of President Sandoval during his State of the Union address, highlighting the university's tech hub designation and encouraging millions of dollars in funding. Senator Rosen, along with Nevada's Congressional Delegation, also wrote a letter to the Department of Commerce in support of the university's official application for Lithium Loop funding.





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