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U.S. Senator Baldwin: What they said: Wisconsin leaders praise Baldwin's efforts to bring $49 million to Wisconsin's tech hub


The tech hub is projected to bring more than 30,000 jobs and $9 billion in economic development to Wisconsin in its first decade.

Wisconsin – Yesterday, Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) announced that the Wisconsin Biohealth Tech Hub will receive $49 million to grow the state's personalized medicine and biohealth sector, advance research and innovation, generate economic growth and jobs, and strengthen U.S. competitiveness in cutting-edge industries.

Public and private partners, including the more than a dozen founding members of the Wisconsin Tech Hub Consortium, applauded Senator Baldwin’s efforts to secure this investment. Here are their comments:

“Senator Baldwin and President Joe Biden's Administration are forward-thinking leaders who are guiding Wisconsin in the right direction. This use of CHIPS and SCIENCE Act funding will spur medical innovation while also boosting our economy,” said Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson. “The jobs this investment will create will have direct and indirect benefits throughout our region.”

“Senator Baldwin and President Biden have been consistent in their work for our community and our state,” said Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway. “Wisconsin's selection as a Tech Hub will spur further innovation in our state's growing biohealth sector and create opportunity for middle-class families. We are excited to work with the Wisconsin Tech Hub team to ensure Madison has the infrastructure, housing and workforce it needs to support its growing economy.”

“Milwaukee County is proud of our tradition of manufacturing and innovation excellence. Thanks to Senator Tammy Baldwin's leadership and funding from President Joe Biden's CHIPS and Science Act, this incredible investment will help us continue that tradition by supporting medical and biotechnology research and innovation that will help grow our local economy, advance workforce development efforts, and foster healthier communities,” said Milwaukee County Mayor David Crowley. “We look forward to Wisconsin's designation as a Tech Hub and the meaningful outcomes and opportunities it will bring to workers and families across the Badger State.”

The BioHealth Tech Hub will inspire innovation in the field of personalized medicine, and the University of Wisconsin is poised to lead the way. We are pleased that the University of Wisconsin has joined so many leading partners in both the public and private sectors who are working together to achieve one goal: improving health care for all Wisconsinites. “Today is a proud day for our state,” said University of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman.

“This recognition and funding to advance Wisconsin as a biohealth tech hub is a fantastic opportunity for Wisconsin,” said Wendy Harris, regional innovation director for the Wisconsin Biohealth Tech Hub. “We already have strong companies here, but this new funding will help Wisconsin come together to advance new projects and become more competitive and a global leader in our industry. We have an incredible team that has been working tirelessly for the past 18 months to showcase ideas that advance Wisconsin's biohealth industry and technology. It's fantastic to see these projects funded right here in Wisconsin, where we create and manufacture our technology. What a win for our state!”

This award is an investment in building a safe, skilled, and diverse talent pipeline that meets the state's needs now and into the future. “WRTP | BIG STEP is pleased to be part of this important effort and thanks Senator Baldwin for his unwavering support,” said Lindsay Bloomer, president and CEO of WRTP | BIG STEP.

Madison College is constantly addressing workforce needs, and the Wisconsin Biohealth Tech Hub program and the opportunity to contribute to the emerging biohealth economy are incredibly exciting. We look forward to working with industry leaders and partnering with the UW System and Milwaukee Area Technical College to expand our collective expertise and support the broader consortium efforts. “We appreciate Senator Tammy Baldwin's commitment to the Tech Hub and the bipartisan financial support provided by the State of Wisconsin, as well as the efforts of the nonprofits, public servants, and business and industry leaders who made this happen,” said Mark Thomas, Madison College's executive vice president and chief strategy officer.

“Every day at University Research Park, we see University of Wisconsin-Madison innovations become companies and create jobs for Badgers,” said Aaron Olver, managing director of University Research Park and chair of the Wisconsin Biohealth Tech Hub Consortium. “By working with partners across Wisconsin, we have the opportunity to create thousands of jobs in healthcare, technology and manufacturing across Wisconsin and solidify our global leadership in biohealth.”

“It's a fantastic recognition of the great work being done in Wisconsin. The EDA's $49 million second phase award to the Wisconsin Biohealth Tech Hub is proof that our perception is true: we have great science, great work and great people here doing great things. The projects supported by this award will further grow both industry-leading companies and the next generation of biohealth startups, creating value for patients in the U.S. and around the world,” said Jessica Martin-Eckerly, CEO of Forward BIOLABS, a consortium member who co-leads one of the projects.

“It is an incredible honor for the Wisconsin BioHealth Tech Hub to receive this Phase 2 designation and grant funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. We appreciate the Administration's leadership and look forward to leveraging Wisconsin's strengths to address important healthcare challenges and drive innovation,” said Jay Hill, vice president of advanced technology for GE Healthcare and president of the BioForward Wisconsin Consortium. “GE Healthcare is proud to have played a leading role in the BioForward Wisconsin Consortium, and we are pleased to work with our partners across the state to achieve this important outcome that will strengthen Wisconsin's ability to lead in a transformative era of healthcare.”

EDA's investment demonstrates its commitment to driving our economy and contributing to society's prosperity. Dr. Mara Lord, senior vice provost for University Engagement and Strategic Planning at the Medical College of Wisconsin, says it's a win-win. CAREScan is designed to revolutionize healthcare delivery by bringing personalized care directly to people's doorsteps. By building connections and trust with community members over time, this novel platform will be able to expand with new innovations and technologies to reach people where they live.

“Milwaukee Employ is excited to partner with the BioHealth Tech Hub to lead the comprehensive community engagement and workforce development component in Milwaukee,” said Julie Cayo, interim CEO and chief planning officer for Milwaukee Employ. “This investment will advance economic prosperity for underserved populations through youth apprenticeships, summer youth employment, scholarships in the BioHealth Tech Hub's industry pathways, and comprehensive support for jobseekers and workers.”

Wisconsin continues to be a high-value job destination, and the successful application for the Biohealth Tech Hub will only strengthen that, said Jim Paetsch, senior vice president and executive director of the Milwaukee 7. “Wisconsin companies and higher education institutions are well positioned to lead the precision medicine field, which is poised for significant growth globally.”

Yesterday, Wisconsin was one of 12 Tech Hub applicants awarded Phase 2 Implementation Grants under the U.S. Economic Development Administration's Regional Technology Innovation Hub (Tech Hub) program. The Tech Hub designation is projected to create more than 30,000 jobs in the personalized healthcare field over the first 10 years, with more than 111,000 indirect jobs attributable to Wisconsin's Tech Hubs. Additionally, the Tech Hubs are projected to generate $9 billion worth of economic development for Wisconsin over the first 10 years.

As a member of the Commerce Committee, Senator Baldwin helped draft and develop the Tech Hub Program in the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, and has advocated for the Wisconsin Tech Hub every step of the way, promoting investment in the Badger State's growing personalized medicine and biohealth technology industry. A full list of her work to secure this funding can be found here.

An online version of this release can be found here.




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