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New Mexico delegation welcomes $41 million donation from…


Elevate Quantum Tech Hub partners with University of New Mexico, Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories to bring quantum computing to scale

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (Michigan) and Ben Ray Lewin (Michigan) and U.S. Representatives Teresa Leger Fernandez (Michigan), Melanie Stansbury (Michigan), and Gabe Vásquez (Michigan) welcome $41 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce to the Elevate Quantum Tech Hub. The Elevate Quantum Tech Hub, a consortium led by Elevate Quantum, will use the funds to implement three projects that will expand production and delivery of critical technologies to maintain U.S. competitiveness in quantum computing.

New Mexico leads the nation in developing and deploying cutting-edge technology, and this investment is the latest evidence of that, said Heinrich, who serves on the CHIPS and Science Act Consultative Committees. “I am proud to welcome this announcement, which further strengthens the national laboratory's role in accelerating the growth of the industries of the future, strengthens the University of New Mexico's leadership in a rapidly developing field, and creates high-quality new jobs in which New Mexicans can build their families.”

I am proud that the Biden-Harris Administration is investing in New Mexico to maintain its leadership in technology and innovation. “This investment will help us address future challenges, from health care to climate change,” said Lewin, co-chair of the Senate National Laboratory Caucus. “With national labs in New Mexico, we’re better positioned to boost competition, strengthen our national security, and create new, good-paying jobs.”

“When Congress passed the CHIPS and SCIENCE Act and President Biden signed it, we recognized the time had come to foster technological advancements and economic opportunity in every corner of the country, especially in places like New Mexico. The Elevate Quantum Tech Hub, funded by these laws, highlights New Mexico's readiness to build America's next generation tech hub,” said Legere Fernandez. “The INCLUDE and CREATE projects will advance New Mexico's capabilities in quantum technology, bringing quality jobs and cutting-edge equipment to our state's flagship institutions. By leveraging local expertise and facilities, we are one step closer to our goal of building a captivating innovation economy that benefits New Mexico and America's global leadership in technology.”

“The new Elevate Quantum Tech Hub will strengthen our region's ability to produce and deliver the technologies that will keep America leading in quantum computing,” Stansbury said, bringing new, high-paying jobs to New Mexicans and anchoring talent in the Rio Grande region.

“We are proud to welcome this funding to support technology research and development in Las Cruces and across the state. This is exactly the investment New Mexico needs to bring more good-paying jobs and ensure New Mexico is a leader in the economy of the future,” said Vásquez. “Our state's history demonstrates that with the right resources and support, New Mexicans can build and discover amazing things, strengthening our nation's innovation and production.”

As one of 12 Tech Hub Designees selected for implementation funding, Elevate Quantum Tech Hub will use the grant to support projects such as:

Building an open-access quantum lab and fab to enable rapid prototyping and low-volume production of critical quantum technologies; providing comprehensive workforce development programs to universities, including the University of New Mexico, and companies to ensure a skilled and diverse talent pool in the region; and aligning the consortium's overall strategy, stakeholder and investor engagement, and executive leadership to execute on the tech hub vision.

The Elevate Quantum Tech Hub aims to strengthen the region's global leadership in quantum information technology and enable advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, climate tech and healthcare. The Tech Hub will leverage the region's expertise and assets, including leading national laboratories such as Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory, and build on existing relationships between the region's research community and private sector to unlock the transformative technologies needed to bring quantum-based products to market.

In October 2023, Elevate Quantum Tech Hub was selected as one of 31 designated Tech Hubs as part of Phase 1 of the new Tech Hubs Program, a flagship initiative aimed at advancing U.S. leadership in critical technologies and industries. The designation is a strong endorsement of the consortium's region's plans to strengthen its respective critical technology ecosystems and become global leaders over the next decade.

The Tech Hub program was authorized by the CHIPS and Science Act.

For more information on EDA funding, click here.





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