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Google Drive tips to easily save money on digital storage


Google's cloud storage service, Google Drive, has more than 2 billion active monthly users, according to Google partner Patronum. If you're one of them, you know that your account only comes with 15 GB of free space. If you're taking lots of photos this summer, that storage could fill up quickly.

If you run out of storage, you'll be prompted to upgrade to a Google One plan, but you don't have to buy any digital storage. Here are some tips to help you free up space in your digital file cabinet for free and with ease:

We recommend trying these tips on a desktop rather than a mobile device, as it will make organizing and managing your files easier, but if you only have access to a mobile device, we'll walk you through the process both ways.

1. Delete large files first

If you want to keep the majority of your items in Google Drive and Gmail, you can free up space by sorting each service by file size and deleting only one or two large files rather than dozens of smaller items. It's easier to delete one or two videos that take up several megabytes of space than it is to sort through hundreds of old documents of similar file sizes to determine which ones you can delete.

Delete files by size in Google Drive

Here's how to delete files on your desktop by size:

1. Log in to your Google Drive account. 2. In the menu on the left side of the screen, click[ストレージ]Click 3.[ストレージ]The page lists your files from largest to smallest. If you don't see it, click[使用中のストレージ]Your files will now be sorted from largest to smallest. 4. Click to select the large files you want to delete. You can select multiple files by holding down the Shift key on your keyboard. 5. Once you've selected the files you want to delete, click the trash can that appears near the top of the screen, or click the large file and then click[ゴミ箱]Drag it to

Once the items are in the Trash, you're not done yet. From there, go to the Trash menu by clicking “Trash” on the left side of the screen. Then click “Empty Trash” on the right side of the screen, then click “Fully Empty.”

You can also delete files by size on your mobile device. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Open the Google Drive app and log in to your account. 2. Click[ファイル]3. Tap at the top of the screen.[マイ ドライブ]Under[名前]Tap 4.[使用中のストレージ]Tap . Your files will now be sorted from largest to smallest.[マイ ドライブ]Select again[使用中のストレージ]Select to list files from smallest to largest. 5. Tap the three dots (…) next to the item you want to delete. 6.[削除]Tap[ゴミ箱に移動]Tap.

Google's app explains that items in the Trash are automatically and permanently deleted after 30 days, but if you want to speed things up and empty your Trash now, follow these steps:

1. Tap the hamburger icon (three stacked lines) in the upper-left corner of the screen next to Search Drive. 2. Tap Trash. 3. Tap the three dots (…) in the upper-right corner of the screen. 4. Tap Empty Trash.

Whether you need more space or just want to keep your Gmail organized, you can easily free up space for storage within the service.

James Martin/CNET Delete files by size in Gmail

Gmail also lets you delete files by size. Here's how to do it on your desktop:

1. Log in to your Gmail account. 2. In the search bar, type “has:attachment larger:10MB” and click “Search.” This will display all emails with attachments over 10MB, ordered from largest to smallest. Using this format, you can filter for files of other sizes, not just 10MB files. 3. Check the box to the left of each email you want to delete and click the trash icon at the top of the screen. This is under “Conversations.” 4. Click “Trash” on the left side of the screen to navigate to the Trash menu. If you don't see Trash, click “More” and you'll see “Trash” in the expanded menu. 5. Click “Empty Trash Now” at the top of the screen.

You can also delete files in the Gmail app in the same way. Here's how:

1. Open the Gmail app and log in to your account. 2. Type “has:attachment larger:10MB” in the search bar.[検索]Click . This will display all emails with attachments over 10MB, ordered from largest to smallest. You can use this format to filter for files of other sizes, not just 10MB files. 3. Tap the email you want to delete. 4. Tap the trash icon at the top of the screen. 5. Tap < in the top-left corner of the screen. 6. Tap[メール内検索]Tap the hamburger icon next to it. 7. Tap the trash can. 8.[今すぐゴミ箱を空にする]Tap.

Please note that once a file is moved to the trash, it will be automatically deleted after 30 days.

2. Empty your Gmail spam folder

Emptying your spam folder is easy to forget, but it can accumulate clutter in your Gmail account. Emptying your spam folder, as well as your social and promotions folders, is another way to free up space.

Here's how to empty your desktop spam folder:

1. Log in to your Gmail account. 2. Once logged in, click on the left side of the screen.[スパム]Click.[スパム]If you don't see[その他]Click to expand the menu.[スパム]will be displayed. 3.[スパム]In the folder,[今すぐすべてのスパム メッセージを削除]4. In the pop-up, click[OK]Click.

To empty your spam folder on the mobile app:

1. Open the Gmail app and log in to your account. 2. Tap[メール内検索]Tap the hamburger icon next to 3.[スパム]Tap 4.[今すぐすべてのスパム メッセージを削除]or[今すぐスパムを空にする]Tap.

Don't let spam overwhelm your Gmail.

Getty Images 3. Organize your Google Photos

Google also includes Google Photos in the 15GB of free storage it offers to users. Photos and videos, especially high-quality ones, can take up more space than text-based files, so you may want to delete old photos and videos to free up space.

There's no option to sort photos and videos from largest to smallest like in Google Drive or Gmail, so you'll have to manually go through and delete items. To see how much space a file is taking up, select it and click “i” to view info from the top menu.

To delete photos and videos from Google Photos on your desktop, follow these steps:

1. Open Google Photos and sign in. 2. Hover your mouse over the photo or video you want to delete and click the grey checkmark icon in the top left corner of the photo or video. Repeat this for as many photos or videos as you need. 3. Click the trash icon in the top right corner of the screen. 4.[ゴミ箱に移動]5. Click on the left side of the screen.[ゴミ箱]6. Click near the top-right corner of the screen.[ゴミ箱を空にする]7. Click again.[ゴミ箱を空にする]Click to complete the setup.

To delete photos and videos from the Google Photos mobile app:

Note for Apple users: If your Gmail is linked to your iCloud account, the two digital storage spaces may also be linked. This means that if you enable the Backup & Sync feature in Google Photos, all of your local photos on your iPhone will appear in Google Photos. If you delete a photo in Google Photos, the local photo on your iPhone will also be deleted. Once a local photo is deleted, it will no longer appear in iCloud. If you try to delete a picture in Google Photos, it will know if it's you; you'll see a pop-up window letting you know that you're about to delete it from both locations.

1. Open Google Photos and sign in. 2. Tap the photo or video you want to delete. 3. Tap the trash icon at the bottom right of the screen. 4.[削除]5. Tap on the bottom right of the screen.[ライブラリ]Tap 6.[ゴミ箱]7. Tap the three dots (…) at the top right of the screen. 8.[ゴミ箱を空にする]Tap 9.[削除]Tap.

If you don't click or tap Empty Trash on desktop or mobile, your deleted photos and videos will be automatically deleted after 60 days.

Bonus tip: Google Photos can reduce the file size of some of your photos and videos, which can save you some space but will reduce the quality of your media. For more information, see this Google Support page.

Photos and videos in Google Photos can take up a lot of storage.

Sarah Tew/CNET 4. If all else fails, download the file to your desktop

If your storage is still almost full and you can't save any more items from Google Drive, Gmail, or Google Photos, you can download the items and save them directly to your computer.

Here's how to download all your Google files and save them to a separate hard drive:

1. Open your Google Drive or Google Photos account on your desktop and log in. 2. Select the file or photo you want to download. 3. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. 4.[ダウンロード]Click . Note that Gmail will download the message as a .eml file. 5. Once the items have been downloaded and moved to your hard drive, delete them from your account and empty your Trash.

Downloading emails from Gmail is similar, except you have to download them one at a time. This can make downloading emails a pain, but it's still possible. Here's how to download emails from Gmail:

1. Open your Gmail account on your desktop and log in. 2. Click on the email you want to download. 3. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. 4.[ダウンロード]Click . Your email will be downloaded as a .eml file. 5. Once your email has been downloaded and moved to your hard drive, delete it from your account and empty your trash.

For more, check out 10 Gmail tips and tools, 9 Google Drive features you may have missed, and 5 Google Photos features you can try today.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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