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Crimtan | Google Display Network and Programmatic Advertising


Here’s everything you need to know about the Google Display Network (GDN) and programmatic advertising.

Let's start by looking at what programmatic advertising and the GDN are.

The GDN is an advertising network that any advertiser can use to display advertisements on websites available through the GDN.

Programmatic means that advertisers can work with programmatic vendors who have access to a variety of ad exchanges to serve their ads across multiple ad networks, including the GDN.

The Google Display Network gives you access to all websites that are registered as Google partners, an estimated 2 million of them. But with programmatic advertising, you have the opportunity to expand your audience reach outside of the GDN by connecting to multiple ad exchanges, such as Index Exchange, Pubmatic, and Xandr, giving you the opportunity to reach over 200 million active websites. In other words, if you want to expand your reach, programmatic advertising is undoubtedly the best way to do it.

What are the similarities?

Think of GDN as the entry level of programmatic advertising. They are similar in some ways and both work towards a common goal: getting your message to your target audience.

Concept: Both GDN and programmatic advertising are auction-based bidding platforms for reaching target audiences. Placement: Both options allow marketers to run both display and video formats. Targeting: Both platforms have basic targeting options in common. Users can target specific users based on demographics, behavior, interests, and site topics.

If you're not sure what programmatic advertising is, check out this 3-minute introductory video.

So what’s the difference? 1) Programmatic advertising offers more ad formats

The GDN only gives you access to display and video (mainly YouTube) inventory, whereas programmatic advertising allows you to tap into other channels like connected TV (CTV), audio, digital out-of-home (DOOH), etc. If you want to run video ads, don't worry – non-YouTube inventory is still available through Teads, Unruly, and SpotX.

2) More efficient targeting with programmatic advertising

Because the GDN is part of Google, its audience targeting capabilities are limited to what Google has access to, however programmatic advertising vendors tend to have their own built audiences or the ability to connect to a data management platform (DMP) to find the right audiences for your brand.

Additionally, to ensure that ads are served to real people and not bots, brands can implement brand safety in their programmatic ad campaigns, which is not possible in the GDN. With brand safety in place, ads are only shown to real people, which means more efficient use of advertising budgets (see here for a detailed explanation).

Campaign optimization in the GDN is an automated function. Machine learning is on the rise, but there are many cases where a human can make better and faster decisions. It varies by vendor, but some vendors, like Crimtan, have dedicated traders who manage a set of campaigns to ensure maximum performance.

3) More creative ad banners through programmatic advertising

Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) is a feature that allows you to customize your creative and messaging in real-time to optimize your campaign performance. DCO is available on the GDN for retargeting purposes only. In retargeting, the dynamic elements are based on interests and page visit history. But DCO is much more than that. In the programmatic world, DCO enables brands to reach the right people at the right time, in the right place, with the most relevant messaging. Beyond interests and page visit history, ad copy and creative can also change based on location, day of the week, time of day, language, currency, and more.

GDN only offers standardized templates and requires you to manually add images, videos, and text, whereas DCO ads are dynamic and change without human input. These ads can change based on the weather or direct customers to the nearest brick-and-mortar store depending on the ad's location.

More examples of DCOs can be found here.

4) More comprehensive reporting with programmatic advertising

The GDN provides baseline information on campaign performance that brands can download directly from their dashboard. In programmatic advertising, reporting formats vary from vendor to vendor, but most vendors have dedicated client services teams to provide you and your team with insights, recommendations, and action points that you can implement in your next campaign.

So, should you choose GDN or programmatic?

Great question. First of all, all these points do not mean that GDN is a bad choice. The Google Display Network is a good alternative with a low cost of entry, especially if you have a limited budget. With GDN, there is also a smaller learning gap, no matter which option you choose. The most important thing is to have a clear message, good content, and a strong strategy behind all your advertising efforts.

But, without sounding too biased, if you have the budget, programmatic advertising is always the better option, as it gives you more control over your campaigns, greater scale and better targeting capabilities.

If you want to learn more, download this guide.

Programmatic advertising can be beneficial for your brand, whether you are in travel, retail, finance, etc. If you are looking to improve the performance of your campaigns and are comfortable testing the programmatic advertising environment, contact Crimtan to learn more.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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