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OpenText plans to lay off 1,200 employees and add 800 positions to support growth and innovation plans


According to a July 3 filing by the company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the business optimization plan is intended to strategically align the company's workforce to support its growth and innovation plans.

OpenText, which offers a range of cybersecurity, AI and other IT management solutions to MSPs, plans to lay off 1,200 employees and add 800 jobs as part of a business optimization plan to support its growth and innovation plans, it said in a July 3 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Overall, the business optimisation plan, aimed at strategically aligning the company's workforce, is expected to reduce headcount by 1.7% to around 23,000.

The business optimization plan is also expected to result in annual cost savings of approximately $200 million for the $4.5 billion MSP software giant.

At the same time, the company is reinvesting about $50 million annually into about 800 new jobs in sales, professional services and engineering.

In an email to CRN, an OpenText spokesperson said the business optimization plan is focused on placing the right roles in locations around the world that best suit the business.

The Ontario, Canada-based company said it expects to complete the plan during the first quarter of fiscal 2025, which began July 1.

Sean Wright, founder and president of Affinity Technology Partners, an OpenText MSP based in Brentwood, Tennessee, said he looks forward to OpenText's continued growth and innovation.

“They are showing stronger channel commitment than ever before. They are one of our top software partners and a key component of the security services we provide to our customers,” he said.

Wright said Affinity Technology Partners' Open Text revenues have grown 26 percent this year, primarily due to the strength of the partnership and the superior Open Text MSP software portfolio. They are part of the standard MSP portfolio that we rely on to protect our customers against cybersecurity threats, he said.

Open Text said in the filing that it will incur restructuring charges of approximately $60 million, which will be substantially recorded in the first quarter of fiscal 2025, with the majority of the charges expected to be paid in cash during the quarter.

The software company expects the plan, once fully implemented, to result in net savings of about $150 million in fiscal 2025, and it plans to provide more details as part of its fourth-quarter and fiscal 2024-end financial results, according to the filing.

For its most recent quarter ended March 31, Open Text reported that GAAP earnings per diluted share rose to 36 cents from 21 cents a share in the year-ago period, on revenue that rose 16% to $1.44 billion.

Companies that OpenText has acquired as it builds its comprehensive information management software portfolio include Micro Focus, Zix and Carbonite.

In May, OpenText acquired the Pillr managed detection and response platform from cybersecurity IT services company Novacoast.

According to a press release about the acquisition, combining Pillrs' MSSP-focused technology with OpenText's expertise will enable the company to deliver enhanced threat hunting, monitoring and response to customers today at a time when skills gaps, skills shortages and alert fatigue are creating a major need.

Open Text shares rose 46 cents, or 1.5 percent, to close at $31.10 on Wednesday.

Stephen Burke contributed to this story.




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