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Mila opens integrative hormone health clinic for fertility treatments


Mira, a hormone health company offering at-home reproductive health solutions, has launched an online fertility hormone health clinic aimed at helping people struggling to conceive.The clinic offers personalized support from fertility experts throughout the pregnancy journey, focusing on resolving hormone imbalances, streamlining nutrition and gut health, setting up an effective exercise routine, and improving mental health.

According to the CDC, infertility affects one in five people in the United States. Use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) has doubled in the past decade, with 2 million babies born each year in the United States through IVF. However, there are many barriers to starting fertility treatments, including the high cost of IVF treatments, relatively low success rates, and staff shortages at fertility clinics. Fertility clinics perform approximately 250,000 IVF cycles per year, and need to perform more than 1 million cycles to meet growing demand.

A holistic, whole-body approach that focuses on hormonal health, well-being and mental health may be a more accessible option for those struggling to conceive. Knowing that factors such as lifestyle, mental health and well-being impact a woman's fertility, Mira offers a whole-body approach that focuses on hormonal health, nutrition, gut health, exercise habits, stress management, sleep quality and emotional support. The aim of the program is to provide a less invasive and more affordable fertility treatment compared to traditional in vitro fertilization (ART), which remains out of reach for many.

A recent study conducted by Mira in collaboration with Pelex showed that at-home hormone tracking could be a more convenient alternative to IVF, while providing more comfort and clarity to patients about fertility. The study showed that 44% of participants who had previously been diagnosed with infertility became pregnant after two months of trying, and 72% of people received an accurate diagnosis thanks to regular at-home hormone tracking with Mira. By comparison, IVF has a success rate of only about 40%. With 30% of couples eligible for IVF suffering from unexplained infertility, this transparency, and therefore clarity about fertility, brings tangible relief.

Mira CEO and founder Sylvia Kang decided to start a hormone health clinic for fertility treatments after receiving great feedback from her clients. One client who was initially eligible for IVF used the Mira hormone monitor and got a positive pregnancy test the night before the procedure. Then, research confirmed that tracking hormones at home could be an alternative to IVF, giving her further impetus to start the program.

At Hormone Health Clinic, we want to support women throughout their fertility journey by providing individualized management of their hormonal health, general wellness, and emotional support. This will hopefully make the entire fertility treatment process less stressful for women, without the need to spend a lot of time on unnecessary and impersonal consultations with gynecologists, painful injections, blood draws, and frequent hospital visits, as is the case with the IVF process. Our fertility coaches have already helped over 1,000 women, and we hope to help even more women at our Hormone Health Clinic for fertility treatment, says Sylvia Kang, CEO of Mira.

Mira Hormone Health Clinic for Fertility offers the expert support of a fertility advisor combined with the unique hormone tracking technology of the Mira Fertility Monitor. Designed by scientists and obstetrician-gynaecologists, Mira is the only home hormone monitor on the market with quantitative technology. Tracking LH, E3G, PdG and FSH, Mira predicts and confirms ovulation and tracks even the subtlest changes in hormones to give you a clear picture of your hormonal health.

Upon completing the fertility program, clients receive a personalized action plan to achieve their fertility goals, a detailed and comprehensive hormone results review, lifestyle recommendations, and emotional support.

Miras says its mission as a hormone health company is to change the women's health industry by giving women ownership of their own data and ultimately their reproductive health. In the future, the company says it aims to become a 360-degree home health service provider by offering solutions in areas such as hormone health monitoring, early pregnancy tracking, hormone health classes and communities, and stress hormone monitoring.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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