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Elevate Quantum Awarded $127 Million to Ensure U.S. Leadership in Quantum Technologies CNM Named Leader in Training Quantum Engineers


Elevate Quantum, a consortium of organizations based in Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming, announced Tuesday that it has received a Tech Hub Phase 2 Implementation award from the U.S. Department of Commerce, receiving $127 million in funding. The award is expected to stimulate more than $2 billion in additional private capital and position the Mountain West region as a global leader in quantum innovation, quantum economy and quantum workforce development.

As members of Elevate Quantum, CNM and the University of Colorado Boulder have been appointed leaders in workforce development. CNM Ingenuity will partner with Sandia National Labs to develop the curriculum for an intensive 10-week (40 hours per week) quantum engineer bootcamp as a short-term workforce development program, and CNM will help other community colleges in the region replicate and scale the training. This will be part of CNM Ingenuity's successful Deep Dive Technology bootcamp.

Quantum computers will be able to process information exponentially faster than today's computers and solve problems that today's computers cannot. This will enable breakthroughs in a wide range of fields, from medicine and healthcare to cybersecurity and national security, artificial intelligence and climate solutions. Think of the impact of the emergence of the internet; quantum is expected to have a similar impact in the coming years and decades.

In 2023, the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA) designated Elevate Quantum one of 31 regional technology hubs out of nearly 400 applicants, making it eligible to receive up to $1 billion in federal investment over the next decade. The $127 million investment, consisting of $40.5 million in initial EDA funding and matching funds from the states of Colorado ($77 million) and New Mexico ($10 million), represents a down payment on U.S. quantum leadership for the next 50 years.

More than 10,000 quantum-related jobs are expected to be created by 2030, with 80% of these jobs not requiring an advanced degree and an average annual salary of $125,000. Graduates of the CNM Quantum Engineer Bootcamp can expect to earn a starting salary of around $80,000 per year.

Quantum technologies will transform economies and require a much larger workforce at all levels, including quantum engineers to maintain the technology and equipment. Recent projections already show that without a strong focus, fewer than 50% of quantum computing jobs will be filled by 2025.

“CNM is honored and excited to be at the forefront of developing a strong quantum technologist workforce that will support economic growth for companies using quantum technologies in New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming,” said Tracy Hartzler, president of CNM. As a workforce training partner of the Elevate Quantum consortium, we look forward to partnering with quantum computing companies in the Mountain West and New Mexico's two national laboratories to create immersive, hands-on training that will rapidly prepare and upskill learners for high-quality technologist careers in this rapidly evolving and transformative field. We will also partner with community colleges around the region to share our findings and increase their overall capacity in training the quantum workforce.

CNM Ingenuity will partner with Sandia National Laboratories to run a quantum science lab and quantum engineer bootcamp, the first of its kind in the U.S. In April, CNM received $862,000 in federal funding to establish the lab and bootcamp. The lab will be outfitted in the FUSE Makerspace and is expected to be operational in February. The quantum engineer bootcamp is expected to begin in June 2025.

“When people hear the words quantum computing, many think working in the industry is out of reach,” says Kyle Lee, CEO of CNM Ingenuity. But that's not true. CNM offers people from virtually any background an incredible opportunity to quickly learn the skills they need to launch a life-changing career in this new quantum economy that will grow exponentially over the next few years. All you need is the ability to do division on a calculator, know how to use a computer mouse, and a willingness to learn. In 10 weeks, we'll teach you everything you need to start an amazing career with great growth opportunities.

Industry demand for CNM's Quantum Technician Bootcamp program was vetted and approved through CNM's university-wide integrated program review process, which evaluates a variety of data points, including industry demand, local job growth and salary projections, and student interest. Aspects of the Quantum Technician Bootcamp will also be incorporated into CNM's new Engineering Technician Certificate.

CNM Ingenuity's current 10- and 12-week, 40-hour-per-week Deep Dive Technology bootcamps are highly regarded by technology employers, which is a big reason why CNM was selected to participate as the talent training leader in the Elevate Quantum consortium. After just a few months of hands-on, intensive training, graduates of Deep Dive programs such as coding, data science, digital media and the Internet of Things are highly employed and successful.

In addition to CNM's workforce development efforts, Elevate Quantum's local partners, the University of New Mexico, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories, will create a collaborative research space to partner with startups and existing quantum companies to expand economic opportunity. The University of New Mexico and each state's national laboratories have a long history in quantum science and engineering.

Federal and state government investments will achieve the following milestones for Elevate Quantum by 2030:

Cultivate a top-notch workforce: Elevate Quantums' goal is to ensure the quantum century is diverse, inclusive, and equitable. We are seeing an increasing proportion of talent in key roles from historically underserved populations, reflecting our commitment to activating talent from all communities in the region. Establish a world-class, open-access quantum facility: Access to hardware and manufacturing capacity is a major barrier to quantum innovation. This funding will ensure that researchers and entrepreneurs in the region have unparalleled access to world-class hardware and services. Activate over $2 billion in private capital for quantum: This investment will support quantum startups and scaleups, spurring regional economic growth and technological advancement.

This grant marks the first large-scale, regionally-based federal investment in the quantum space. We are honored to be recognized as a driving force in the global race for quantum innovation, and this funding marks an important milestone in ensuring U.S. quantum leadership. “We are grateful to our partners, consortium members, and EDA for making this possible,” said Elevate Quantum CEO Zachary Yerushalmi in a press release. “The Mountain West is home to the largest regional coalition of quantum leaders in the world, and this funding solidifies our position as the quantum capital of the world and helps us build a prosperous future for all Americans.”

In a press release from Elevate Quantum, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham said, “The Tech Hub designation is just the beginning for New Mexico's quantum industry. Our state has a long history of innovation and embracing cutting-edge technology, and quantum technology has the potential to be the most transformative innovation of a generation. I'd like to thank Governor Polis and Colorado's Governor, as well as the Elevate Quantum team, for their hard work in positioning the Mountain West to be the quantum technology epicenter of the United States.”




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