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Tulsa Autonomous Systems Fund


Funding to spur innovation and job creation in autonomous systems

The Biden-Harris Administration and the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) have awarded approximately $51 million to the Tulsa Hub for Equitable and Trusted Autonomy (THETA). The funding is intended to strengthen the region's autonomous systems capabilities through advanced manufacturing and the adoption of technologies critical to national and economic security. Tulsa is one of 12 regions awarded funding from EDA's Technology Hubs program, selected from 31 tech hub regions designated last fall.

Tulsa Autonomous Systems Fund

Tulsa's history of innovation, combined with significant assets and federal investments such as the 2022 EDA Build Back Better Regional Challenge award, positions the region to strengthen U.S. leadership in fair and trusted autonomous systems, including unmanned aerial systems (UAS), autonomous vehicles, drones and robotics, with applications across agriculture, pipeline inspection and regional transportation.

“The Tulsa Innovation Lab has long believed that no city in the country is more poised to lead the next era of industrial innovation than Tulsa,” said Jennifer Hankins, managing director of the Tulsa Innovation Lab. “With a heritage shaped by aerospace and manufacturing, Tulsa is leading the future of innovation. Partnering with the Osage Nation, Cherokee Nation, Black Tech Streets and others, our community is poised to lead the development of these technologies while prioritizing security and reliability and ensuring benefits and jobs are widely available.”

EDA's Tech Hub funding aims to help the Greater Tulsa region tap into the $1.36 trillion global autonomous systems market and create up to 56,000 new jobs over the next decade. Innovation in this sector is critical to both economic competitiveness and national security, from protecting Americans on the battlefield to getting medicines to rural communities. This funding will support the development of technology that is tested and manufactured in Tulsa, USA.

Six projects will be funded to drive innovation in autonomous technology.

Increase alignment of commercialization strategies between universities and startups; Build a state-of-the-art test and simulation environment with a focus on cyber and data management; Develop a program to identify opportunities for manufacturers in the autonomous systems supply chain and establish a manufacturing demonstration center for small business expansion; Establish an AI Center of Excellence and expand technology exposure to underserved communities; Align training to industry needs and expand workforce programs to provide upskilling and hands-on training opportunities; Establish a governance structure to execute projects, pursue additional funding, and advance the Tech Hubs strategy.

Final grant amounts will be determined in the coming months.

The THETA initiative is led by a steering committee that includes Black Tech Street (BTS), Cherokee Nation Businesses (CNB), L3Harris Aeromet, Madison Strategies Group (MSG), NORDAM, Oklahoma State University (OSU), Osage LLC, PartnerTulsa, Radius Capital, The University of Tulsa (TU), Tulsa Community College (TCC), and the Tulsa Economic Development Corporation (TEDC).

“It's always exciting to see projects like THETA that have the potential to improve the local economy, expand Cherokee Nation businesses into the autonomous systems and parts manufacturing industries, support growing defense and commercial needs, and strengthen critical supply chains,” said Chuck Garrett, CEO of Cherokee Nation Business, LLC (CNB). “This project aligns with the Cherokee Nation's commitment to improving the lives of our residents and strengthening the local economy in northeast Oklahoma.”

“The Greenwood AI/AS Center of Excellence (G-ACE) paves the way for Black people in Tulsa to secure good jobs in technology,” said Tyrance Billingsley II, founder and executive director of Black Tech Street. Black Tech Street's vision is to transform Black Wall Street into the world's leading Black innovation economy. Locating G-ACE in the historic Greenwood district honors the area's heritage, and our partnership with Microsoft fulfills BTS' mission to accelerate Black wealth creation in the Greater Tulsa region and beyond.

Russell Goff, CEO of Osage LLC, said, “Osage LLC's commitment to the growth and success of the region is evident through our track record of successful collaboration with several THETA partners and our development at Skyway 36. We are pleased to continue this important work through THETA's SAFE-T project, which will create additional research and development opportunities and further enhance the region's attractiveness for drone and autonomous systems companies.”

The Tulsa award is part of the EDA Tech Hub program, a $500 million investment targeting technologies critical to national security and U.S. economic competitiveness. The Tulsa Fair and Trusted Autonomy Hub (THETA) proposal includes more than 75 partners from the public and private sectors.

“A diverse, resilient and inclusive industry base that harnesses the talents of many ensures that the benefits are widely shared,” said Ken Leavitt, executive director of the George Kaiser Family Foundation. Thanks to the leadership of the Tulsa Innovation Lab and visionary partners like the EDA, this investment in Tulsa's local economy will strengthen local efforts to ensure Tulsa is a vibrant community that provides opportunity for all.

For more information on THETA and a full list of partners, visit

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Miriam McNab is Editor-in-Chief of DRONELIFE and CEO of JobForDrones, a professional drone services marketplace, and an avid observer of the emerging drone industry and drone regulatory environment. Miriam has written over 3,000 articles focused on the commercial drone sector and is an international speaker and prominent figure in the industry. Miriam holds a degree from the University of Chicago and has over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing of new technologies in the high-tech sector. For drone industry consulting or writing inquiries, please email Miriam at:

Twitter: @spaldingbarker

Register for DroneLife here.




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