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Fighting climate change requires better technology: Here's Miami's plan


Writer: Ryan Gandolfo

2 min read July 2024 It's not all sunshine after a string of heavy rains in South Florida, but Mother Nature has provided plenty of rainbows. Beyond the increasingly violent storms, the region has much to offer, with Miami thriving as an economic and cultural hub and a growing number of businesses and residents calling the idyllic coastline home. But the region's significant growth in recent years has also raised awareness of the environmental impacts and how climate change is affecting the community, spurring greater action among stakeholders.

On Tuesday, U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Alejandra Castillo visited Miami as part of a tour of President Joe Biden's Tech Hub program, which has selected South Florida as a designated hub for strengthening climate resilience in October 2023.

This week, the Economic Development Office recommended the technology hub receive approximately $19 million in grant funding to complete projects focused on scaling advanced emissions-reduced concrete technologies, workforce development programs for related career paths, and breaking down communication silos between stakeholders in the climate and capital ecosystems to foster innovation.

The South Florida ClimateReady Tech Hub is made up of public and private sector stakeholders from Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties and is eligible for more than $75 million in federal grant funding. Led by the Miami-Dade County Innovation and Economic Development Agency, its goals cover all things climate-themed, from combating extreme heat and unsustainable algae blooms to environmentally-focused innovation and scalable business models and, crucially, flood-resilient infrastructure, an issue that matters to nearly every resident.

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For many in South Florida, volatile weather conditions have become the norm, raising concerns that the environment could make life difficult. To underscore the seriousness of the situation, Sonia Brubaker, chief resilience officer for the City of Miami, called the city the epicenter of climate change, as reported by CNBC.

A study published in Environmental Research Letters in October 2023 projects sea level rise will cause significant population losses, with 56% of Miami-Dade County households at risk if sea levels rise by 40 inches. Municipalities such as Hialeah and Opa-Locka were identified in the study as vulnerable hotspots for flood risk.

While a sea level rise of more than three feet seems like a distant future, it is projected to happen this century. Over the past 15 years, sea levels in South Florida have risen three inches, according to a special report from the University of Miami. As temperatures rise, this pace is expected to accelerate, with medium- and long-term projections calling for an additional 11 to 22 inches of sea level rise by 2060.

Local leaders like Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava called the South Florida Climate Ready Tech Hub a generational opportunity that promises to address the climate crisis and directly spur economic development here in South Florida.

Read more: A linear path to economic development

Image courtesy of Ryan Gandolfo/CAA

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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