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New food tech innovation centre opens in Singapore


Nurasa has opened its state-of-the-art Food Technology Innovation Centre (FTIC) in Singapore. Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policy Heng Swee Kit was Guest of Honour at the ceremony, marking a significant milestone in Nurasa's efforts to promote sustainable food solutions.

Strategically located within Biopolis, a key part of Singapore's innovation community, Nurasa's FTIC is a 3,840sqm food-grade facility with high-tech labs with advanced capabilities in Precision Fermentation (PF) and food processing. The PF labs include bioreactors with production capacities of up to 100 litres, enabling companies to go beyond development capacity and produce at scale. These labs leverage ecosystem capabilities from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), ScaleUpBio and others.

The center will serve as a pivotal home for Nurasa's NuFood Concept Studio, an open innovation platform spearheading sustainable food product development and commercialization. The NuFood Concept Studio fosters culinary creativity and encourages consumer-centric food innovation and sustainable practices. It is working on new innovations for the food industry, such as low sugar, cholesterol-free and gut-friendly foods with great flavor profiles. Companies and startups can seek out the latest ingredients, co-create recipes based on the latest technology and market insights, and ideate on providing accessible, adaptable and affordable sustainable food solutions that will feed more people in the future.

Designed to accelerate and scale product commercialization, FTIC is designed to sustain and amplify the impact of innovations and new breakthroughs to enhance food security. This powerful ecosystem is made up of industry partners, portfolio companies, and joint ventures such as ScaleUp Bio and Cremer, collectively contributing to a sustainable food future through innovation. The center features meticulously designed shared labs and collaborative spaces, as well as private suites that can be adapted for smaller offices and labs, allowing partners to co-create and innovate across the value chain.

With support from Nurasa and FTIC, Kraemer Sustainable Foods is producing alternative plant-based proteins in one of Singapore's largest HME manufacturing facilities. The 1,000m2 facility has an annual production capacity of 1,300 tonnes, enabling the expansion of meat-like plant-based products and increasing their appeal to consumers.

As part of the official opening, Deputy Prime Minister Heng toured the NuFood Concept Studio and held discussions with Nurasa's partners, a testament to the company's innovation in culinary design with a food technology collaborative lab that facilitates research and development. From raw material storage to cooking areas, all aspects comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure quality and safety.

“Nurasa is poised to lead insight-driven product innovation and accelerate commercialization to meet the growing demand for health and sustainability. At our Food Tech Innovation Center, cutting-edge technology is at the heart of everything we do. The facility allows us to challenge the status quo of the existing food system and develop solutions together with startups and corporate partners. Our mission is simple yet profound: to make sustainable nutrition solutions accessible, attractive, affordable and accessible to the general public,” said Xiuling Guo, CEO of Nurasa.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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