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Google is working on a fix for the bricking issue plaguing Pixel 6 phones – here's what you need to know


Recently, reports have been circulating online from Pixel 6 owners whose devices have suddenly stopped working after performing a factory reset. Upon resetting, the Android system can't load and an error message appears stating that the data on the phone may be corrupted.

However, this isn't just an issue limited to standard models: according to various Reddit posts, the Pixel 6a and Pixel 6 Pro are also affected, while older and newer Pixel series devices seem to work fine.

The error message recommends performing another reset to wipe all user data, but according to YouTuber OF Tech, who experienced this issue on his own device, the second reset doesn't work and the phone remains inoperable.

OF Tech eventually shared his experience on the Pixel Phone Help page, claiming that he had tried other fixes but none of them worked: He tried using Google's own Android Flash Tool but it failed as the Pixel 6 is OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) locked.

file not found

The cause of the issue is unclear, but there are some clues. OF Tech shared a close-up photo of the phone's screen, and the error says that the file “tune2fs not found.” Tune2fs is a Linux command line that allows administrators to configure file system parameters. There have been other reports of the same file being missing.

The reason for tune2f2's disappearance is shrouded in mystery, but many agree it may have to do with the Android 15 beta. However, which version is at fault is up for debate. Some blame the second beta, others the third stable version. Or, as 9To5Google points out, it may not be an Android issue at all, since many reports don't mention the OS.

Needless to say, chaos ensues as people try to get to the bottom of what is happening.

How to avoid bricking

The good news is that Google is fully aware of the situation and is currently working on a fix. The company hasn't revealed a release date, so it may take a while for a patch to be rolled out. So, to help Pixel 6 owners through, Google has published recommendations on what users can do to avoid their phone becoming unusable.

They recommend leaving the device powered on for 15 minutes after rebooting after the update. Once that time has elapsed, you can factory reset your Pixel 6 without any issues. Conversely, you can also reset it before installing the patch. Those whose phones are already broken will have to wait until the fix arrives.

We reached out to Google for information on when users can expect a patch, and unfortunately, they simply pointed us to the same recommendations page on the Pixel Phone help website without providing any further details.

Be sure to check out TechRadar's list of the best Pixel phones for 2024.

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