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Government funds 14 projects to promote agricultural technology and innovation across Alberta


Through coordination across all levels of government and partnerships with industry, Canada wants to ensure Alberta's small businesses can take advantage of opportunities.

Specifically, Canada Prairie Economic Development is seeking to enhance Alberta's reputation as an “agricultural powerhouse” by investing more than $20 million in projects that commercialize innovative products, technologies and services for Canadian and global markets.

“Our government is making strategic investments to build on Alberta's strong track record of commercializing innovative products, services and technologies the world needs,” said Dan Vandal, Minister of Prairie Can Affairs.

“The projects announced today will help ensure Alberta's value-added agriculture sector can capitalize on opportunities to create new solutions that benefit both our economy and our environment,” he continued.

The $21 million investment (on top of $12.5 million in additional funding from other levels of government and industry) is spread across 14 projects, including $3 million for Olds College's Smart Farm expansion and $450,000 to Wyvern, which is launching a new proprietary system that will reduce the cost of satellite imagery used for agricultural solutions that help conserve ecological zones and increase agricultural yields.

“At Olds College, we work hard to be at the forefront of agriculture and technology in Alberta and the world,” said Todd Ohman, the college's vice-president of development. “Expanding our research and smart farm operations will provide more opportunities to bring agricultural technology into the classroom, enriching the learning environment and equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the agriculture industry.”

Other funded projects include Pure Life Carbon receiving $2 million to upgrade and expand its existing manufacturing facility to increase production of a proprietary soil replacement product used in agricultural applications, and the provincially run Alberta Bioprocessing Innovation Centre and Alberta Agri-Value Processing Business Incubator receiving more than $1 million to purchase and install new equipment available to small businesses.

“Funding the latest automation and supporting the expansion of our first manufacturing facility in Alberta allows Pure Life Carbon to fulfill more orders around the world,” said Ryan Lund, CEO of Pure Life. “Your support for our company is making a significant impact in the field of controlled environment agriculture, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and water usage while increasing food production by directly replacing peat moss.”

The government said the projects receiving the funding will bring “significant environmental and economic benefits to the entire state and its strong agriculture sector”, including the creation of more than 800 jobs.

“I am very pleased that our government is supporting this vital industry,” said Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “I have no doubt that these projects will continue the momentum of Alberta's innovative, value-added agriculture sector.”

“Alberta is recognized globally as a leader in developing innovative and advanced applications for a variety of sectors and industries,” added George Chahal, Member of Parliament for Calgary-Skyview. “Today's investment will help Alberta organizations and businesses further advance in value-added agriculture, further diversifying our economy while creating sustainable jobs in our communities.”




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