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Google's AI ambitions threaten its carbon neutral pledge


Tech giants like Google's efforts in artificial intelligence and data center construction have led to a significant increase in carbon emissions. Google's carbon footprint has skyrocketed by 48% since 2019, raising questions about whether the company can meet its goal of balancing its carbon footprint by the end of the decade. The increase is documented in Google's annual Environmental Impact Report, highlighting the challenges the company faces as it expands its AI and data center infrastructure.

This trend is not unique to Google: Microsoft reports a 30% increase in carbon emissions since 2020, mainly due to the construction of new data centers. The AI ​​revolution and the competition between technology companies to develop and run advanced models are driving a global increase in demand for computing power. This surge is raising concerns about whether these companies can meet their emissions reduction targets and the broader impact on the global climate crisis.

In September 2020, Google announced an ambitious climate plan to offset all greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. A key element of this plan was to transition its data centers to renewable energy. However, the rapid expansion of AI capabilities complicates this effort. The energy required to train and run modern AI models is increasing the carbon footprint from data centers. For example, just training OpenAI's GPT-3 model generated emissions equivalent to 550 round-trip flights between New York and San Francisco.

Increased energy requirements necessitate the construction of more advanced data centers and computing infrastructure, which in turn consumes more energy. Google had hoped to reduce the carbon footprint of its AI systems in 2023 through efficient models, processors, and data centers running on clean energy sources. However, the company's latest data shows the opposite trend: Google's activities in 2023 emitted 14.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, a 13% increase from 2022 and a 48% increase from 2019. The increase is due to increased emissions from data centers and supply chains as the company integrates AI into its products.

Google recognizes the complexity and evolution of predicting the future environmental impact of AI, and the company's past trends do not fully capture its future trajectory. The company remains focused on reaching its 2030 goal, but now describes it as “highly ambitious” and warns that it may not achieve it. The company expects emissions to continue to grow and eventually decline toward the goal.

Google is not the only tech giant facing these challenges. Microsoft has also reported a significant increase in its carbon footprint due to the expansion of its data centers. Amazon has not yet released its 2023 climate report, but as the world's largest cloud service provider, it is investing heavily in data centers. Amazon's carbon footprint in 2022 totaled 71.27 million tonnes, a 39% increase from 2019.

The problem goes beyond data centers and technology companies: analysts at investment firm Bernstein warn that artificial intelligence could double the rate of growth in electricity demand in the United States and outstrip supply within the next two years. Unprecedented demand for data centers will challenge the capacity of the existing power grid, and the rapid development of polluting energy sources could further exacerbate carbon emissions and hinder efforts to meet global emissions reduction goals.




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