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Dangerous threat emerges again, new warning on Google Play Store


New Google Play Store warning will worry millions of users

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Google is having serious problems with its Play Store, with dangerous threats that had previously been removed from the store apparently resurfacing, causing understandable alarm for millions of users.

A few weeks ago, Android users were warned that 90 risky apps had been found on the Play Store that had been installed 5.5 million times. At the time, Google assured users that all of the malicious apps identified had been removed from Google Play. [and] Google Play Protect helps protect users by automatically removing or disabling apps known to contain this malware on Android devices with Google Play Services.

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But here again, the defense seems to have failed.

The malware in question is Anatsa, which Zscaler warns will steal sensitive banking credentials and financial information from financial applications around the world. Once installed by another dropper app, Anatsa scans the infected device for banking apps that it is coded to attack. It then harvests login details from fake login pages that are overlaid on the real apps and intercepts SMS passcodes. It then empties the accounts.

Zscaler added in May that it suggested recent campaigns conducted by threat actors deploying the Anatza banking Trojan highlight the risks faced by Android users who trusted the security of the Google Play Store.

And now, Zscaler has issued a new alert saying that ThreatLabz has discovered another malicious Android app currently live on the Google Play Store, this one masquerading as a QR reader and file manager, but actually a malware loader for the Anatsa banking trojan – a nasty example of DJ VU.

I've reached out to Google for comment on this latest warning.

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The key to Anatsa's success was its use of seemingly clean apps as droppers. Zscaler says this strategic approach allows it to upload malware to the official Google Play store and avoid detection. Past droppers have been simple PDF readers or QR code readers, and this latest alert is just one such QR reader.

That's why the golden rules for staying safer on Android are as important as ever.

Use only official app stores. Don't use third-party stores. Don't change your device's security settings to load apps. Also, make sure Google Play Protect is enabled on your device. Check the developer in the app description. Is it someone you want in your life? Check the reviews. Does it look legitimate or is it fake? Don't indiscriminately install trivial apps you don't need. Don't grant apps permissions they don't need. A flashlight or stargazing app doesn't need access to your contacts or phone. And don't grant accessibility permissions that make it easier to control your device unless you need them. Never click on links in emails or messages to directly download apps or updates. Always use the app store for installations and updates. Don't install apps that are linked to popular and established apps unless you're sure they're legitimate. Check reviews and online articles.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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