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Cannes Lions 2024 Technology Highlights: MINT's Federico Salvitti Discusses 6 Transformative Advertising Trends


Cannes Lions 2024 was another fantastic event celebrating creativity and innovation in the advertising industry, with not only glitz and glamorous creative awards but also groundbreaking technologies on display that are redefining the industry. MINT, a global leader in the advertising resource management field, was an active participant and observer in Cannes, with Federico Salvitti, VP of Americas Growth, revealing his insights on the central topics being discussed on the French Riviera.

Creativity Meets Technology: Cannes Lions has always been synonymous with creative excellence. The 2024 edition highlighted a major change: the convergence of creativity with advanced technology. AR and VR were ubiquitous, with several sessions dedicated to exploring their potential.

As Salvitti noted, “This new wave of tools will enable brands to engage with consumers in more personalized and effective ways. The goal is to bring all these technologies together and connect them into a backbone that helps brands manage their workflows efficiently.”

The Importance of AI-Powered Optimization: One theme that stood out was advances in AI-powered forecasting for campaign management and optimization. Salvitti said, “AI has the power to improve the effectiveness of media spend. At Cannes, we saw how AI can identify consumer behavior patterns to accurately predict channel performance, empowering brands and agencies to manage their budgets in entirely new ways.”

Upskilling marketing teams: Brands and agencies alike emphasized the imperative of cross-functional teams to support company growth. While digital transformation is driving organizational progress, it is also bringing about technology overload, integration challenges, and executive disparities. Marketing and media professionals need cross-channel and cross-functional skills more than ever, especially with the increased use of AI and automation.

Salvitti commented: “AI will not take away jobs, but it has the potential to free individuals from tedious tasks. It is important to build AI-enabled teams that combine diverse skillsets, supported by an integrated technology stack to eliminate fragmentation.”

Technology as an ally for DEI: A strong focus on diversity, equity and inclusion was a highlight, with Cannes making great strides in promoting inclusion through its Equity, Representation and Accessibility (ERA) framework.

“This isn't just a trend, it's a necessary evolution,” said Salvitti, who participated in a panel hosted by Female Quotient and the ANA Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing. “We believe technology and AI can help the industry eliminate biases associated with underrepresented audience segments.”

New Sustainability Standard: GARM and Ad Net Zero announced a new standard to transform carbon measurement in media. The framework focuses on consistent measurement across TV, digital and outdoor, with additional formulas for print, radio and film coming soon.

“Sustainability is not just a buzzword, it is an essential for the entire ecosystem. This new framework marks the initial stages of a collaborative effort to agree on common metrics for carbon emissions,” Salvitti said.

The rise of “commerce media” and CTV: The concept of commerce media has revolutionized our understanding of retail media and was a big talking point at La Croisette this year. Commerce media goes beyond traditional retailers to include new and unexpected players in the advertising industry. For example, JP Morgan Chase launched Chase Media Solutions and cited the importance of Financial Media Networks (FMNs) in its list of emerging networks to watch.

“CTV was also a hot topic on many panels, leading to some fascinating discussions on consumer behavior. As we approach a cookie-free future, it will be beneficial for advertisers to explore new channels. MINT is constantly expanding its network of integrations and data connectors, and we will be following the rise of commerce media and CTV very closely,” commented Salvitti.

Bright prospects

As we move into the second half of the year, MINT is focused on pushing the boundaries of what's possible in advertising,” said Salvitti. “The insights and innovations at Cannes reaffirm our belief that the future is bright for our industry, and we're thrilled to be part of this journey.”




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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