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Trans-Tasman Technology Partnership fuels $10 billion innovation surge


“There is no specific cooperation initiative, rather our open economic relationship fosters mutual opportunities to solve end customer needs,” New Zealand Trade Commissioner Hamish Campbell said.

Hamish Campbell, New Zealand Trade Commissioner;

The CER eliminated virtually all tariffs and trade barriers, facilitating a seamless flow of goods and services between the two countries. This open market policy has created fertile ground for innovation and collaboration, especially in the technology sector.

New Zealand's technology exports surged to a record $9.8 billion globally in 2022, an astounding 25% increase on the previous year, underscoring the country's commitment to challenging the status quo and driving economic growth through technological innovation.

A powerful force multiplier

The success of CER in the technology sector in New Zealand and Australia is evident from success stories.

One example is Adeption, a global company founded by Carl Sanders Edwards that specializes in scalable, high-quality leadership development programs.

Adeptions' innovative approach integrates neuroscience and behavior change principles to create impactful leadership experiences.

“Our approach to leadership development is grounded in the principles of neuroscience and behavior change, and is designed to equip leaders to thrive in ambiguous situations,” says Sanders Edwards.

Adeptus founder Carl Sanders Edwards.

This approach involves vertical development and the creation of key conditions such as thermal experiences, clashing perspectives and reflections, reflecting the collaborative spirit of the New Zealand and Australian tech ecosystems.

Adeption serves the needs of mid-sized and large organizations by extending leadership development beyond the C-suite level to managers and frontline leaders.

“We're helping organizations scale expensive solutions that were traditionally only available to a small percentage of their team,” says Sanders Edwards.

This is demonstrated in a recent program we ran for a major U.S. retailer, where we ran the program with thousands of other leaders from the same organization.

Adeptions’ credo is the “Be Aware, Be Curious, Be Better (B3)” framework, which integrates principles from neuroscience and behavior change.

This allows leaders to develop a mindset to grow in ambiguity, learn new skills, and increase their mindset’s ability to navigate complex situations.

“We foster continuous improvement through action and experimentation in the workplace, seamlessly blending learning with everyday work,” says Sanders-Edwards.

The company is leveraging technology and AI to enhance the learning experience. Since launching its digital development platform in 2014, Adeption has developed proprietary AI that adds value in two key ways: predictive tools and insights, and prescribing a vertical mindset.

“Our AI recommends both tools (microlearning leadership content) and insights that may help leaders address the situation they're currently facing,” Sanders Edwards said.

This AI-driven approach empowers coaches and facilitators, allowing companies to create a safe environment for development and focus on driving maximum impact through targeted interventions.

EdTech Innovations Making Waves

Meanwhile, New Zealand's contribution to education technology (edtech) is also growing.

Companies such as Education Perfect and Banqer are revolutionizing the Australian learning experience. Education Perfect has become a vital lifeline during the pandemic by providing an online platform connecting educators with students not only in New Zealand but also in Australia.

Banqer currently partners with over 50,000 teachers in over 50 countries, helping over 1.2 million students worldwide.

The company is using gamification to increase financial literacy among students. By teaching practical, lifelong skills in an engaging way, Banqer is building the next generation of financial acumen. This collaborative effort highlights New Zealand's commitment to leveraging creativity and practicality to deliver unique solutions that address real-world challenges.

“We believe in seeing opportunities where others see barriers and leveraging different perspectives to create highly innovative and practical solutions to the challenges facing Australians,” Mr Campbell says.

This philosophy is evident in the innovative solutions offered by New Zealand technology companies, who do not just compete on their own merits but effectively solve end customer needs.

Pioneering advances in health tech

The healthtech sector is another area where Kiwi ingenuity is making a big impact in Australia. From the co-discovery of the molecular structure of DNA to the invention of the disposable syringe, New Zealand has a rich history of medical innovation, with companies like ARANZ Medical and Streamliners now leading the way.

ARANZ Medical has developed an innovative wound and skin monitoring program that records and analyses treatment progress to improve treatment effectiveness and patient outcomes.

The Streamliners HealthPathways program improves health and wellbeing by reducing unwarranted variations in care and seamlessly connecting clinicians to appropriate guidance. These technologies are a great example of how unique New Zealand thinking and robust research is bringing trusted healthtech solutions to Australia.

The boom of the gaming industry

The gaming sector is also booming, with New Zealand game studios producing some of Australia's most downloaded and praised games. Studios such as Balancing Monkey Games and Metia Interactive are renowned for their award-winning visual effects and innovative game content.

This fast-growing industry is expected to become a billion-dollar sector over the next few years, driven by the creative and disruptive spirit that New Zealand tech embodies.

Outlook for CER

Looking ahead, the future of the CER includes deepening economic integration and exploring new areas of cooperation, such as digital trade and sustainable development.

Campbell says the future of CERs, trade and cooperation is bright, and not just on this planet.

“We look forward to continuing to work together through various opportunities in Australia and New Zealand,” Campbell said.

This includes exploring joint efforts on key projects where companies from both countries can provide unique products and solutions that will enhance the projects.

We will also cooperate on a broader range of initiatives, including supporting the development of Pacific islands and promoting space technology.

Campbell says the relationship will only grow stronger.

“Australia is New Zealand's closest ally and trading partner with whom we share economic access. With a population five times that of New Zealand and a GDP per capita that is more than 30 percent higher, it's only natural that New Zealand tech companies would choose to locate and expand in Australia.”

Most New Zealand technology exporters appear to be internationalising first to the Australian market, then North America, with Australia being New Zealand's first market for export strength before expanding further into other global markets.

For more information, see New Zealand Tech Story.




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