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AI lie detectors are better at spotting lies than humans


This dependency shapes our behavior. Usually, people tend to assume that others are telling the truth. This study demonstrated that: even though subjects knew half of the statements were lies, they marked only 19% of them as lies. But when people chose to use AI tools, the situation changed: the blame rate rose to 58%.

In some ways, this is a good thing: these tools can help us spot more of the lies we encounter in our lives, including the misinformation we may encounter on social media.

But it's not all good. It can also undermine trust, a fundamental aspect of human behavior that helps us build relationships. If the price of accurate judgment is weakened social bonds, is it worth it?

And then there's the question of accuracy. In their study, von Schenk and her colleagues were only interested in making tools that are better at detecting lies than humans, which isn't particularly hard to do, given how poorly humans are at detecting them. But she also envisions tools like hers being used routinely to assess the veracity of social media posts, or to look for false details in job applicants' resumes and interview answers. In these cases, it's not enough for technology to be better than humans if it's going to make more accusations.

Would we accept an 80% accuracy rate where only 4 out of 5 evaluated statements are correctly interpreted as true or false? Would 99% accuracy be good enough? We're not sure.

It's worth recalling the fallibility of lie-detection techniques used historically. Polygraphs were designed to measure heart rate and other signs of arousal, because some of the signs of stress were thought to be characteristic of liars. But they're not. And we've known that for a long time. That's why lie-detector results are generally not admissible in U.S. courts. Nevertheless, polygraph lie-detector tests have persisted in some contexts, and have been used to blame people for their failures on reality TV shows, causing a lot of harm.

Von Schenk said imperfect AI tools could have an even bigger impact because they are easier to scale: There is a limit to how many people a polygraph can test in a day, but the scope of AI lie detection is nearly limitless.

Given how much fake news and misinformation is being spread, von Schenk says there are benefits to this technology, but it needs to be tested to make sure it's significantly better than humans: If AI lie detectors are generating a lot of accusations, she says, it might be best not to use them at all.

Read more in the MIT Technology Review archives

AI lie detectors are also being developed to look for patterns in facial movements and subtle gestures when lying. Jake Bittle said: “The dream of the perfect lie detector will never die, especially when it is camouflaged with the brilliance of AI.”

Meanwhile, AI is also being used to generate disinformation: as of October last year, generative AI was already being used in at least 16 countries to sow doubt, smear opponents, and influence public debate, Tait Ryan Mosley reported.

How AI language models are developed can have a major impact on how they behave, and as a result, these models have taken on a variety of political biases, something my colleague Melissa Heikil covered in an article last year.

AI, like social media, can be both good and bad. In either case, the regulatory limitations we place on these technologies will determine which ends up being bad, Nathan E. Sanders and Bruce Schneier argue. All chatbot answers are made up. But there are tools that give confidence scores to the output of large language models to help users judge their trustworthiness. Or, as Will Douglas Heaven put it in an article published a few months ago, the chatbot BS-o meter.

From the web

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The vagus nerve has become a surprise social media star, thanks to influencers touting the benefits of stimulating it. Unfortunately, the science isn't quite backing it up. (New Scientist)

A hospital in Texas is set to become the first in the country to allow doctors to examine patients through holograms. Crescent Regional Hospital in Lancaster has installed a Holoboxa system that projects life-sized holograms of doctors for patient consultations. (ABC News)




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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