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Tech Talk: Trust and Governance in Technology

Tech Talk: Trust and Governance in Technology


Editor's Note: In addition to following technological developments, the author is also a music composer (Juilliard School graduate) and has kindly composed a piece of music for you to listen to while reading this column, called “Trust Governance?”

It is companies that develop technologies and deliver them to people, not universities or research labs as some think. These companies are run by people whose priorities are different from those of their customers, society and the planet. When using technology-based products, the issue of trust increasingly comes up. This week's column addresses the need for checks and balances that are supposed to be provided by oversight bodies such as boards of directors or government agencies.

There is a big difference between roles within technology companies. The four main roles are Governance, Executive, Manager, and Sole Contributor. Governance refers to the board of directors, which must be distinguished from the executive tier to provide checks and balances. Unfortunately, for new companies, this distinction is often not clear.

Scalability must be demonstrated before you get to the stage where these four layers of relationships exist. The interactions between these roles allow both the flow of ideas and checks and balances. There is some fluidity between these groups, but they have different priorities, different life stages, and different responsibilities to each other and to customers.

When the CEO serves as chairman of the board. Howard Lieberman created this image with the help of DALL-E-2, an AI software program.

The triple bottom line theory has recently gained recognition in the business world. It argues that companies should place as much importance on social and environmental issues as on profits. When a young CEO of a tech company also serves as chairman of the board, the checks and balances typically provided by the board of directors may be lost. The question is whether a young, ambitious CEO fully understands or cares about the triple bottom line.

Sure, companies must make profits and obey the law, but are there issues of trust and innovation to consider here? There are certainly examples where concentration of power has worked well. In the technology sector, HP, Apple, and Bose Corporation were all led by unique individuals who grew from technical power to management, executive power, and governance, and who competently and successfully presided over their boards of directors. But this is not the norm, and most young CEOs cannot do this, no matter how big their egos get or how deified they are by society. Large companies suffer when the fame of young innovators overshadows the need for governance.

Can innovation and trust governance coexist? Absolutely. Board members need to bring expertise in tax, legal and innovation issues, and they also need to care about the company's trust. Loss of trust can destroy your brand, gross margins and business competitiveness.

Each executive has different priorities and responsibilities. Creativity and innovation must be encouraged and directed to develop viable products and grow the business. This diversity of expertise is critical to the success of the company.

Many perspectives must be balanced to ensure reliability and profitability. Howard Lieberman created this image with the help of DALL-E-2, an AI software program.

Many people today are rightfully concerned about artificial intelligence: Can it be trusted? Will it harm humans? Will there be unexpected consequences? We have all heard that AI has a tendency to hallucinate and fabricate facts, or get confused and spit out gibberish, especially when the question involves voice recognition.

But don't humans hallucinate, give incomprehensible answers, misunderstand what's going on? Or even disagree? We've all done these things at times. Should we trust machines more than we trust each other? Of course not. As with any human relationship, machines need to be qualified.

If the companies and people we deal with regularly seem trustworthy, we will ultimately trust them. The same is true for computers. Computers don't know right or wrong, false or true. They have no judgment or innate judgment. Computers read the internet. Do you believe everything you read on the internet? Hopefully not. There is a lot of manipulation going on. Some of it is intentional, but the majority is not. You need to verify your sources and examine your own ideas.

You need empirical evidence to support your conclusions and should refrain from making decisions that are not based on data. Remember that your relationship with technology is, in most cases, a relationship with the people who provide it to you to make a profit. People in different roles within a company are likely to have different opinions about how honest they should be and the extent to which they can or should manipulate customers and each other.

Government agencies have forced many previously very trusted companies to recall products for lying. What would happen if oversight disappeared or was greatly reduced? My advice is that we should not trust technology or companies as much as we trust humans. Ask what their motivations are and who is making the decisions. Do your research and don't expect AI to be more persuasive than humans. It is humans who drive AI. I expect an appropriate level of governance to be built and maintained over any new technology. After all, there is oversight over food, medicines, air quality, noise levels, etc. When you buy produce or meat, you will realize that not all suppliers are equal. The same is true for technology.

Of course, governance is costly. A startup may not have a board of directors, but the founder-entrepreneurs running it may actually be more trustworthy than the board of directors of a public company. In the end, it's all about people, and people's motivations and behaviors vary widely. “Trust but verify” has become a common phrase since Ronald Reagan used it in the context of nuclear disarmament talks with the Soviet Union.

By the way, do not despise all those who have hallucinations. Some of them are tomorrows. Every invention, product, process, solved problem starts from an idea that is not yet reality. Remember that not all of it will become reality, but some. Everything around us that is not a product of pure nature started as an idea. At first skeptics called them hallucinations, but many of them have contributed greatly to our progress and happiness.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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