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Navigating Tech in Israel and the Diaspora Post-October 7


The events of October 7th shocked Jewish communities around the world and caused many, including me, to reexamine our relationship with Israel. As one of Amazon's first 100 employees and more recently as a Vice President at VMware, I have built a successful career in Seattle and Silicon Valley.

“But as a Zionist Jew with deep, profound ties to Israel, I felt a duty to act. The decision to leave a stable corporate position and join Upwind was not an easy one; it raised eyebrows among friends and colleagues. But it felt necessary, and it was my way of expressing my identity as a Jew, a Zionist and an Israeli through my work in a time of crisis.

My joining Upwind was also rooted in my strong belief in Upwind's technology and its potential to become a leader in the cloud security market. In late 2022, Amiram Shachar (CEO of Spot, which NetApp acquired for $450 million) founded Upwind, a cloud security company that had raised $80 million in less than a year. Shachar, who I'd known for 10 years from his previous role as a general manager at AWS, reached out to me and offered me the position of chief product officer.

Given my confidence in the company and its leadership, and the events of October 7th, it was clear to me that Upwind was the perfect place to support Israeli innovation, express my Zionist identity, and advocate for Israel.

My journey from a tech giant to an Israeli startup is more than just a personal story. It's a lens through which to view the resilience, challenges and future of Israel's tech industry in these turbulent times. The Israeli flag flies over the tech business park in Ophel Park in Petah Tikva. (Photo by RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS)

The Israeli tech industry is much more than capital investment. It is a unique blend of Jewish culture, national mission and a drive for technological advancement. Born out of necessity and nurtured by a culture that values ​​world improvement and entrepreneurship, it is this innovative spirit that sets off the spirit of the Startup Nation.

Geopolitical tensions since October 7

While geopolitical tensions since October 7 have cast a pall over Israel's tech industry, they have also revealed the industry's remarkable adaptability. Despite regional instability, Israeli companies have continued to innovate, attract investment, and expand globally. This resilience is a testament to the strong foundations of Israel's tech ecosystem.

But we cannot ignore the rise in anti-Semitism globally, especially in the West. The rise in anti-Israel sentiment in the United States and Europe since October 7 has been surprising and alarming. As someone who has worked in Jewish organizations for many years and has children who are navigating this new reality, I have seen firsthand how these trends affect our communities.

It is important to distinguish between these vocal protests and the actual business practices of major tech companies: despite employee activism against partnering with Israel, industry giants such as Amazon, Google and Nvidia continue to maintain strong ties to Israeli tech companies and talent.

Why? The answer is simple: Israel's technological prowess is highly regarded, especially in areas such as cybersecurity and AI. Global companies recognize that Israeli innovation is invaluable. The country's unique ecosystem, combining military experience, academic excellence and entrepreneurial spirit, continues to produce the cutting-edge solutions global technology companies need to stay competitive.

During my time at Amazon and VMware working on projects like Nimbus, I witnessed the unwavering support these companies have for Israel. This support stems from several factors, including the government's drive to expand cloud adoption, recognition of Israel's excellent tech talent pool, and the country's reputation as a hotbed of innovation.

“However, the technology industry cannot afford to become complacent about the rise in anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment. There is an increased need for technology leaders to take a more proactive stance to combat hostile and anti-Semitic sentiment within their organizations. The reluctance of some companies to speak out on issues like the hostage crisis is worrying and could be damaging in the long run.”

Going forward, Israel's technology industry must lobby for political stability within Israel. While the industry has shown remarkable resilience in the face of conflict, prolonged instability due to dramatic policy shifts could discourage foreign investment and stifle growth. The government must strike a balance between addressing security and other domestic issues and maintaining a business-friendly environment.

Talent availability is also a key issue: Some Israeli tech workers may seek jobs in countries perceived to be safer and more stable, while rising anti-Semitism could make Israel a haven for Jewish tech talent, attracting skilled workers who feel uncomfortable in their home countries.

The ongoing conflict also highlights the need for Israel's tech sector to diversify its focus. Defense and cybersecurity will remain important, but there is also an opportunity to channel the country's innovative spirit into areas of global challenge, such as climate, health and energy. This could not only spur economic growth, but also help improve Israel's global image.

I am optimistic because the fundamental strengths that made Israel a tech powerhouse remain intact: the country's education system continues to produce top-notch talent, the military remains a breeding ground for leadership and cutting-edge technology, and Israel's entrepreneurial culture is stronger than ever.

When Israeli companies create world-class solutions, they find collaborative partners and customers on the global stage. My decision to join an Israeli startup in these turbulent times reflects my faith in the country's innovative spirit and its ability to overcome adversity.

For those of us in the global tech community, supporting Israel's tech ecosystem means fostering innovation that can address some of the world's most pressing challenges. As we move forward, we must defend the unique value Israel brings to the global stage and strive to create an environment in which this innovation can continue to thrive, regardless of political tensions. The road ahead will be difficult, but we are confident that Israel's tech sector will survive and thrive with perseverance, ethical leadership, and our unwavering support.

The author is Chief Product Officer at Upwind, a leading cloud security company, was previously Vice President at VMware and was one of Amazon's first 100 employees. He is active in Jewish organizations and the Anti-Defamation League.




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