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A message to BDS activists: Boycott Israeli tech and innovation


Boycotting Israel and the Jewish people has become a hobby for some, driven by deep-rooted prejudice and political bias. But let's take a step back and really understand what this really means. Imagine a world without Jewish and Israeli innovations and contributions. If you want to boycott, that's your decision, but please do it right. Prepare to live without search engines, social media, navigation tools, computers. The list could fill this entire article.

“Jews rule everything.” Not everything, but they have certainly changed the world. Let's talk about technology. Google, Facebook, Netflix. All of these were founded by Jews and rely heavily on Jewish-Israeli innovation and research and development. Without Israel, we would have to give up our everyday navigation essentials like Waze, and even computers with Israeli-designed Intel chips.

Medical advances will also take a hit. Jews and Israelis have pioneered many medical technologies, such as the ReWalk exoskeleton that helps paraplegics walk again. And let's not forget the Israeli rapid response teams that have saved so many lives in disasters around the world, from Turkey (show them some gratitude) to Haiti and many other countries.

Bottom line: if you really think we should boycott Jews and Israel, don't do it half-heartedly. Stop using Facebook and Instagram to spread your message. These platforms are the beneficiaries of Jewish-Israeli tech, co-founded by our very own Jewish genius, Mark Zuckerberg.

Stop using Google to organize protests or find ideas (maybe we should ask co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page to stop doing this). Say goodbye to Netflix after a long day of anti-Israel protests at an Ivy League university. And if you really want to boycott Israel, stop using Waze or Google Maps to navigate your protests. Oh, and don't forget: ditch any computer with an Intel chip inside: Intel 9th ​​Gen Core Mobile H (Credit: INTEL)

Some may argue, “But a boycott sends a political message and pressures for change.” That's certainly a valid point. Boycotts have historically been a tool for political and social change. But let's be clear: this isn't a matter of principled stance. If you're serious, then boycott consistently and completely. Anything less is hypocrisy.

Boycott the only democracy in the Middle East

On a more serious note, boycotting the only democracy in the Middle East, surrounded by ISIS, Hezbollah and Iran to the north, Hamas and the Houthis to the east and south, and many other of the worst people on earth, is the worst thing imaginable.

Your message to them (murderers, rapists, terrorists, dictators) is one: attack freedom, kill Jews, and we will reward you, even if we are next in line (ask them, they will say it out loud and write it so clearly that you don't even need to read it again).

Think about it: how many lives have been saved by Jewish-Israeli medical technology? How many people rely on Jewish-Israeli innovations in their daily work and personal lives? Eliminating these contributions would not only harm Israel and the Jewish people, it would undermine global progress and everyday convenience.

So I again call on you, primarily the most radical protesters: If you truly believe in your cause, go all in. Throw away all the technology and conveniences you associate with Jewish and Israeli innovation. No more social media, advanced medical care, GPS navigation, and computers that are much less efficient. Either fully commit to your beliefs or acknowledge the irrationality of selectively venting your anger.

We also call for us to recognize the immeasurable contributions that Jewish people and Israel have made to the global community, and to work toward a future based on mutual respect and cooperation. The world would be a much poorer place without these contributions. And we know that's not what the Ivy League students who scroll through TikTok all day want.

The author is a junior at Reichman University pursuing a dual degree in Computer Science and Entrepreneurship, and is currently a fellow in the Argov Leadership and Diplomacy Program.




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