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Google and KAUST collaborate to advance AI research in Saudi Arabia

Google and KAUST collaborate to advance AI research in Saudi Arabia


DHAHRAN: Dahlan recorded a major win in the Saudi Arabian division of the Aramco-sponsored Formula One In-Schools National Championship, with the team taking first and fourth places at the competition held at the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Itra) over the weekend.

The title of National Champion 2024 went to Dahlanz Shaheen, second place to Al Ahsas Venture, third place to Riyadh Klad and for the first time additional prizes were awarded to Dahlanz Oryx in fourth place.

On Saturday, the Itras Great Hall will be transformed into an immersive hub, with the focus on F1 continuing until July 13. (AN photo)

The winner will represent Saudi Arabia at the world championships scheduled to be held in Saudi Arabia later this year.

The F1 in Schools competition is a globally recognized education program that challenges students to design, build and race a miniature F1 car. This year's theme was “Beyond the Impossible.”

Maha Abdulhadi, head of F1 in Schools at Ithra, said in a statement: “With a shared mission to serve as an incubator for education and youth empowerment, Ithra and F1 in Schools are providing young people with the knowledge and experience to develop the ambition and skills to build a brighter future for themselves and their country.”


The F1 in Schools competition is a globally recognized educational program that challenges students to design, build and race miniature F1 cars.

Participating students, ages 15-16, were required to use a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics)-based learning program.

With competition heating up, we are excited to welcome these promising young students, their families and visitors from across the country.

On Saturday, the Islas Great Hall was transformed into an immersive hub, with the focus on F1 until July 13. (AN photo)

On Saturday, the Islas Great Hall will be transformed into an immersive hub with F1-focused events running until July 13th.

Eight simulators allow people aged 15 and over to test drive F1 cars in real time, while a VR experience puts visitors in the middle of authentic high-speed action.

Pupils cheered on Saturday when their faces appeared on a screen during a video segment showing a day in the life of F1 at the school.

On Saturday, the Itras Great Hall will be transformed into an immersive hub, with the focus on F1 continuing until July 13. (AN photo)

The ceremony not only congratulated the local judges, but also the trainers and judges who had flown in from around the world.

Over the past six months, students from different schools have been working in groups to develop the prototype under the guidance of 38 experts.

Participating students, all aged 15 or 16, were required to use a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics)-based learning program that combined both hard and soft skills.

On Saturday, the Itras Great Hall will be transformed into an immersive hub, with the focus on F1 continuing until July 13. (Photo/Yasir Alkhnais)

Students learned a wide range of subjects, from physics and aerodynamics to design, manufacturing, branding and graphics. They were also taught marketing and leadership skills, how to use social media effectively and how to develop financial strategies.

This year, 120 students were divided into 20 teams, each based in a local base. The cities of Dhahran, Al Ahsa, Riyadh, Jeddah and Madinah again participated this year, with Abha joining for the first time.

To demonstrate Ithras' commitment to local culture, folk dancers from each of the six representative cities performed together on stage while footage of students working on the F1 project was projected in the background.

On Saturday, the Itras Great Hall will be transformed into an immersive hub, with the focus on F1 continuing until July 13. (Photo/Yasir Alkhnais)

Ithra partnered with F1 in Schools for the first time in 2021 to run the national-level competition in Saudi Arabia and has led the launch of several learning hubs across the Kingdom to facilitate student training and development as part of the F1 Challenge.

In 2023, Isla will host the country's first F1 in Schools National Finals, with 16 teams competing.

Andrew Denford, founder and chairman of F1 in Schools, noted at the time that 68 percent of the students who participated were girls. Three of the teams represented Saudi Arabia at the world championships in Singapore that year, with Dhahran's Oryx team winning the Innovative Thinking Award.

King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture. (Photo/Yasir Alqunais)

This year's competition also saw many girls take part, competing for 12 prizes in various categories ranging from fastest car and oral presentation to sustainability.

Continuing Ithras' recycling drive, the workshop also involved melting plastic bottle caps to create car moulds in a designated lab. Moulds made specially for F1 in Schools will be available all week.

On display beneath the library's escalators was a car made from 5,000 plastic bottles, steel sheets, acrylic panels and other materials that are 90% recycled or reused. It took at least 12 people about 1,500 hours to build the 120-kilogram car.

The series of events over 10 days will include interactive activities as well as a paper car building workshop, a mixed reality pit garage, a car LEGO station and talks with F1 experts.

Speaking at the awards ceremony, David Howes, Director of Communications and Events at F1 in Schools, said: “Having been involved with F1 Esports since 2004, I have seen our global community grow from four countries to 62 today. It is a real honour to be able to come to Saudi Arabia and not only witness a national title, but also a world-class event and, most importantly, watch world-class teams compete.”

Applications are now open for the 4th Formula 1 in Schools. Eligible students can apply via the Ithra website, where you can also find a full schedule of activities for the week.




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