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Hill Dickinson: Keith Feeney promoted to CTO, Edmund Chan appointed head of legal tech and innovation

Hill Dickinson: Keith Feeney promoted to CTO, Edmund Chan appointed head of legal tech and innovation


Hill Dickinson's longtime IT and operations director Keith Feeney has been promoted to chief technology officer. The top 50 UK law firm hires its first head of legal technology and innovation, in part to build its generative AI strategy. Edmund Chan joined the firm on July 1. A qualified lawyer, he founded and led Riverview's legal technology team before becoming a senior member of EY's global legal innovation and technology team following EY's acquisition of Riverview.

Feeney's role will remain largely unchanged in substance and comes amid a number of senior management changes, including the appointment of Craig Scott as new CEO last year.


His promotion effectively makes way for Chan, who, like Scott, was previously an associate at DLA Piper. In an interview with Legal IT Insider, Feeney (pictured below) had this to say about the promotion and new hire: “I've been in legal tech for 29 years, but I'm not a lawyer. The best people to talk to lawyers are lawyers themselves. It's always been hard to find lawyers interested in legal tech, but our CEO noticed an opening for Ed and convinced him to join the firm.”

Feeney and Chan will work together to formalise generative AI policy, and the board has given them investment funding, Feeney says, but adds: “Speaking to my colleagues it's clear that most companies don't have millions of pounds to invest in AI, and at the moment no one knows what will win.”


Hill Dickinson now has over 100 employees across IT and operations and has doubled its turnover since 2017. The firm has seven offices in the UK, four overseas and an associated office in Limassol. The firm has just completed a major automation project in its corporate and banking divisions with Bam Legal, and Feeney and Chan are strategically considering what comes next. Feeney said, “If you can't get the data right, it doesn't matter what you do or what AI you apply to it.”

Hill Dickinson is live with iManage Cloud and is watching with interest iManage's recent announcement to enable clients to use AI to analyse and tag historical data, but Feeny points out: “Sure, you might use AI to organise the data, but someone still needs to make sure the data you're using is the right data.”

Whatever the future decision, Hill Dickinson will take a buy-not-build approach to generative AI. One of the many factors to consider is not compromising Hill Dickinson's secret sauce. Feeney commented, “If we're only going to use AI tools, where is the value that the company provides? Where is the intellectual property?”

That said, Hill Dickinson is likely to make significant investments this year, with Feeney saying: “We've gotten to the point where we're talking about failing fast – trying something and if it's not what was proposed, we go in a different direction. That's unusual for a law firm and a new concept for us. Being able to react quickly when the next wave comes is key.”




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