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Former engineer looks back at resume from 10 years ago when he joined Google


Anthony Mays' first exposure to coding was when he was seven years old and playing with a toy computer.

“I was really drawn to the idea of ​​being able to make things and own what you make,” Mays told Business Insider.

He got his first job as a programmer analyst at a local bank while he was still in high school.

He continued to interne at the bank every summer during college, and landed his first full-time job there after graduating from UC Irvine in 2006.

Mays stayed with the bank for another four years before moving on to two other companies.

In 2011, Mays interviewed at Google, but failed the technical interview because he didn't prepare the right topics.

“After being approached three times by Google, we decided to try again a few years later,” he said, “and were successful in 2013.”

This is the resume Mays used in his successful application to Google: BI reviewed his work history.

Anthony Mays 2013 Biography Anthony Mays

Mays left Google after eight years there to start his own tech career consultancy.

Looking back at his 2013 resume, the career coach said there were three things he liked about it and three things he would change if he were to rewrite it today.

Here's what he didn't change: Separate the skills section: “I found it really useful to have skills and languages ​​on the right,” he says of his resume's second column. “It just takes up a lot of vertical space, and it makes it seem like there's a lot more that I know.” The layout also helped people get to the experience section faster. Why before how: Mays liked that his resume emphasized the impact he made. “If I can convince someone that what I did is important, they're going to want to know how I did it.” For example, he added that his enhancements increased deployment speeds by 50 percent. Then, “I'll explain how I did it, which was with a zip compression tool and an algorithm.” Simplify the jargon: When it comes to technical terms, like names of software, Mays was careful not to assume that everyone reading his resume knows what some of the abbreviations mean. As in formal writing, he uses the full name of each piece of software the first time he mentions it, and then uses the abbreviations thereafter. “You have to know your industry really well to know if you should use an abbreviation or not.” Here are the changes Mays would make: Increase the numbers: To better demonstrate his impact, Mays will include more data points about the impact of his work. For example, he worked on a project supporting the systems of an e-commerce platform. He will highlight how tens of thousands of people used the website per second on big sale days like Black Friday to show the scale of what he is working on. Job summary: Mays says his 2013 resume also lacked a job summary. “At the end of the day, a resume tells a story, and your job as a storyteller is to make that story as understandable as possible for someone who only looks at your resume for about five seconds.” The summary should state why you are the best person for the position, Mays says. In his latest resume, Mays added three lines outlining his role, what he is passionate about, and why he wants to add value to the business. Business impact: Mays encourages his clients to follow the “resume formula”: “I did Z and achieved X, which is measured by Y.” But he thinks he could have followed it better on his own resume. In some of his bullet points, Mays described how he accomplished something, but didn't mention how his technology impacted the company. “The bullet points are missing business context.”

Mays worked as a software engineer in Google's Irvine, California, office until 2022, when he left to become an interview coach and public speaker.

Do you work in technology, consulting or finance and have a story to share about your career journey? Get in touch: [email protected]




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