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Searching for Data Assets in the Dataplex Catalog | Google Cloud

Searching for Data Assets in the Dataplex Catalog | Google Cloud


Use Dataplex catalog search to find data assets such as BigQuery datasets, Cloud SQL instances, etc. For more information about Google Cloud assets supported by the Dataplex catalog, see Supported Google Cloud Sources.

Note: This document describes searching the Dataplex Catalog. For more information about searching the Data Catalog, see Searching and Viewing Data Assets with Data Catalog and Comparing Dataplex Catalog to Data Catalog.

Dataplex catalog search results respect permissions on the corresponding resources in the source system.

For example, if you have read access to the BigQuery metadata for an object, that object will appear in Dataplex catalog search results. If you have access to a BigQuery table but not to the dataset that contains the table, the table will still appear in a Dataplex catalog search as expected.

Search results include only resources that belong to the same VPC-SC boundary as the project the search is performed in. If you use the Google Cloud console, this is the project selected in the console.

For more information about Dataplex catalog IAM roles, see Dataplex IAM Roles.

Limitations of recall in retrieval

Search queries in the Dataplex catalog are not guaranteed to have perfect recall: results matching your query may not be returned on subsequent pages of results, and repeated search queries may return different results (or not).

Date Sharded Table

The Dataplex catalog aggregates date partitioned tables into one logical entry that has the same schema as the table shard with the latest date. The access level of the entry is derived from the dataset to which it belongs. Dataplex catalog searches only show these logical entries if you have access to the dataset they belong to. Individual date partitioned tables will not show up in a Dataplex catalog search, even if they exist in the Dataplex catalog and can be tagged.


Filters allow you to narrow your search results. All filters are grouped into sections.

Systems like BigQuery, Cloud SQL. Dataplex system contains custom entries. Aspects (Tags) lists all available aspects. Projects lists all available projects. Type aliases representing resource types like databases, datasets, models, tables, views, services, custom types. Datasets are sourced from BigQuery.

Filters from multiple sections can be combined to find assets that match at least one criterion from each selected section. Multiple filters selected within a section are evaluated using the OR logical operator.

For example, consider the filter combination in the following image (click the image to enlarge): The selected search filters are system BigQuery, type alias tables and views, aspects My aspect type 1 and My aspect type 2, project my-test-project, and dataset test_bq_dataset.

The Dataplex catalog searches for the following assets:

Aspects in test_bq_dataset My Aspects BigQuery Tables of Type 1 Aspects in test_bq_dataset My Aspects BigQuery Tables of Type 2 Aspects in test_bq_dataset My Aspects BigQuery Views of Type 1 Aspects in test_bq_dataset My Aspects BigQuery Views of Type 2 Filtering by Aspect Value

The aspect filter allows you to query for assets that have been tagged with a specific template. You can further narrow your results and filter by a specific aspect value using the customize menu. The filter criteria for an aspect value depends on the data type of that aspect field. For example, datetime and numeric fields allow you to specify a specific date or range.

Show Filters

Depending on the current query in the search field, filters for systems, type aliases, projects, and datasets are displayed.

Note: If you change the selected filter, the filter set does not update. For example, if you select a BigQuery system in the System section, the data type filter does not narrow down to BigQuery-specific filters such as tables, views, and datasets. Before you begin

Before you search for a data asset, do the following:

Required roles

Search results in the Dataplex catalog are scoped according to your role. To search for an asset in the Dataplex catalog, you must have permission to access the corresponding resource in the source system. For more information, see the Search Scope section of this document.

For example, to search BigQuery datasets, tables, views, and models, you need the respective permissions on those entries. For more information, see BigQuery Permissions. The following list shows the minimum permissions required:

To search a table, you need bigquery.tables.get permissions on that table. To search a dataset, you need bigquery.tables.get permissions on that dataset. To search dataset or table metadata, you need the BigQuery Metadata Viewer role (roles/bigquery.metadataViewer).

As another example, to search for Cloud SQL instances, databases, schemas, tables, and views, you need the respective permissions for those entries. For more information, see Cloud SQL Roles and Permissions.

To search custom entries, you must have the Dataplex Catalog Viewer role (roles/dataplex.catalogViewer).

For more information about granting roles, see Managing Access.

In some cases, you may be able to obtain the necessary privileges through a custom role or other predefined roles.

Enable API

Enables the Dataplex API.

Enable API

Data Asset Search Console

To search for a data asset, follow these steps:

In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dataplex search page.

Continue to search

In the Search Platform Selection, select Dataplex Catalog as the search mode.

Select Dataplex Catalog to explore the Dataplex Catalog metadata storage, or if you are an existing Data Catalog user, select Data Catalog to explore the Data Catalog repository.

Enter a query in the search field or use the filter panel to refine your search parameters.

You can manually add the following filters:

Add a project filter.[プロジェクト]in,[プロジェクトの追加]Click Search for a specific project, select the project, and then click[開く]Click to add an aspect type filter.[アスペクト]in,[アスペクト タイプをさらに追加]Click the menu to search for and select a specific template.[OK]Click.

Optional: In addition to the available assets,[一般公開データセットを含める]to search for publicly available data assets on Google Cloud.

Use the following tips to help you create a search query:

If your search expression contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks, for example, “search term”.

You can precede a keyword with NOT to match the logical negation of the keyword:term filter. You can also combine search expressions using the AND and OR Boolean operators. The AND, OR, and NOT operators are case insensitive.

For example, NOT column:term lists all columns except those that match the specified term. For a list of keywords and other terms that you can use in a Dataplex Catalog search expression, see Search Syntax.


To search for a data asset, use the gcloud dataplex entry search command.


To search for a data asset, use the searchEntries method.

Console to view entry details

To view the details of an entry, use the Dataplex catalog search.

In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dataplex search page.

Continue to search

Select Dataplex Catalog as the search mode.

Enter the name of the entry in the search box.

Click on the entry.

The entry details page opens, which contains the following sections:

Entry details: Includes information such as the entry type, system, platform, fully qualified name, creation time, last modified time, description, and steward. Summary: A summary of the entry, if any. Aspects: The required and optional aspects defined for the entry. See Aspect Categories for more information. gcloud

To view the details of an entry, use the gcloud dataplex entry lookup command.


To view the details of an entry, use the lookupEntry method.

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