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Best Video Games of 2024 (So Far)

Best Video Games of 2024 (So Far)


2024 is already shaping up to be a great year for the games industry, and thankfully, we're only halfway there.

Below are some of the best games released in the past six months, highlighting the variety and level of adventure you can only find in video games.

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As one of the most anticipated games of the year, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was under immense pressure to exceed expectations, and in the end, it exceeded all expectations and became a front-runner for the coveted Game of the Year award.

As the second instalment of a trilogy recreating the 1997 cult classic FF7 game, Rebirth takes place at the most interesting part of the adventure: the world is in crisis, war between nations seems imminent, and the evil Shinra Company continues to drain the Earth of its dwindling life force.

“Rebirth is the greatest fantasy.”

But all these issues pale in comparison to the return of one of gaming's most iconic villains, Sephiroth, whose vow to destroy the planet is the driving force behind a story that goes from outlandish and whimsical to utterly heartbreaking in a matter of moments.

With mesmerizing graphics, a cast of iconic playable characters, and a fantastical soundtrack, Rebirth is fantasy at its finest. It has all the magic and charm of the original, but with an undeniable modern flair. It boldly twists key plot points from the original, keeping avid fans guessing how the story we all grew up inspired to unfold.

Check out our full review of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth here

Tekken 8 (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PC)

Nearly a decade after its predecessor, Tekken 8 finally returned to the ring earlier this year, much to the delight of fighting game fans. The result? A truly mind-blowing experience.

The game looks, feels, and plays modern, yet eerily nostalgic, featuring many of your favorite fighters from past King of Iron Fist tournaments, bringing back muscle memory you thought you'd long forgotten.

Innovative, easy-to-use controls allow players of all skill levels to input combos so they can enjoy becoming a champion regardless of their reflexes, and new features like Heat States reward aggressive fighters and help keep the rhythm of combat at its best at all times.

With its signature quirky storyline, fun Battle Modes and competitive online scene, Tekken 8 provides the perfect entry point for anyone to jump into the virtual ring once again.

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Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown (PlayStation 4/5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC)

The Lost Crown is a game that rekindles a long-held love for the 30-year-old series. You play as Sargon, a legendary warrior tasked with exploring the cursed city of Mount Oahu and rescuing a kidnapped prince. But as with anything in life, things aren't always that simple.

As a 2D side-scroller, the game is full of animation and charm. The combat is lightning fast and intense, grabbing the player's attention and curiosity. You'll constantly be thinking about the best time to dodge enemy attacks, what combos you need to input, and strategizing what abilities you need to use to solve puzzles.

With the simple press of a button, Sargon can sprint across the map and string together combos with ease, while Metroidvania elements will have you exploring the labyrinth of Mount Oahu and rediscovering its many secrets.

Read our full Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown review here

Stellar Blade (PlayStation 5)

Stellar Blade is one of the biggest surprises of 2024. It's a game that combines beauty and horror, hack-and-slash action and puzzles, providing a nice twist on a familiar post-apocalyptic story.

You play as Eve, a member of the 7th Airborne Forces and owner of the longest ponytail in the world. Apart from her unconventional appearance, Eve is a highly capable warrior, capable of ending anything that gets in her way. Her mission is to travel from an extraterrestrial colony to reclaim Earth from a race of monsters called the Neitiva.

To survive, players will need to hone their reflexes and know when to dodge, slash, slash, and ultimately flee. With unparalleled athleticism, a trusty drone companion, and an unbreakable sword, Eve is more than equipped to withstand the dangers the game throws at her. But no amount of training or equipment can stop Eve from understanding the truth about what really brought the Earth to this dire state.

Read our full Stellar Blade review here

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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch)

As a spin-off, Paper Mario: Door into the Millennium Kingdom is a hidden gem. Released on the GameCube 20 years ago, this narrative adventure's unique art and gameplay was sadly out of reach for many modern gamers, but now it is.

This remake brings the magic and wonder of the famous storybook adventure to a new audience on Switch. Play as 2D Mario and help Princess Peach on her epic treasure hunt while uncovering the secrets behind mysterious and magical doors.

While keeping the original story intact, everything you know and love about the game has been enhanced. From the colorful visuals and refined animations, and reimagined soundtrack to the comfortable controls and gameplay features, the game strikes the right balance of nostalgia, charm and modernization to please purists and newcomers alike.

Read our full review of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door here

Animal Well (PlayStation 5, Switch, PC)

Animal Well is a testament to the power of indie games. Set in an alternate world of neon pixels, the game features innovative gameplay, an eerie atmosphere, and endless secrets to uncover.

You play as a blob-like creature with limited abilities. What is your mission? No one knows; it's up to you. But as you explore and investigate, you'll learn new ways to traverse the infinity wells that surround you. And so begins an adventure of self-discovery.

With plenty of upgrades and ingenious mechanics, Animal Well is a must-play for puzzle lovers as you encounter new otherworldly characters, enjoy memorable music and let your insatiable curiosity drive you deeper into the bottomless well.

Read our full Animal Well review here

Senua's Saga: Hellblade II (Xbox Series X/S, PC)

Hellblade II is an interactive blockbuster that blurs the line between games and reality. Though short in length, it brings to the fore the brutality and cruelty of Viking life in a way that only a video game can. It engages all of your senses.

You play as Senua, and her journey across Viking Iceland is an epic quest for survival and violence. In her quest to save the victims of oppression, she will survive terrifying battles against everything from Viking slave traders to mythical beasts and her own most terrifying demons.

In this photorealistic game you'll battle Senua's psychosis without knowing what's real and what's not. If you're looking for atmosphere, drama and unrelenting brutality, Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is for you.

Helldivers 2 (PlayStation 5, PC)

Helldivers 2 has everything you need in a great multiplayer game: amazing graphics, addictive gameplay, and all the opportunities you and your friends need to cause mayhem.

Set in a world known as “Super Earth,” players take on the role of an elite soldier who travels to far-flung worlds to eradicate all life as you know it in the name of democracy. Whether or not you're a good guy is up for debate.

Missions will have you thrown into unfamiliar levels and teaming up with your allies to smash everything that moves. In true diplomacy, it's best to shoot first and ask questions later, but friendly fire is always on so be prepared to die by your allies' hands. And enjoy every second of it.

Check out our full Helldivers 2 review here

Balatro (PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, PC).

Balatro is a roguelike card game that reinvents traditional poker in a totally innovative way, adding unpredictable strategy, experimentation and fun with every play. The game may look like a traditional card game from the start, but everything changes as you are given the chance to upgrade your deck with each round.

From simple bonuses like increasing your score to adding extra cards to your hand, the game makes you feel like you're cheating. Balatro is just as fun to win as it is to fail, and it's addictive, competitive, and often impossible as you try to get the round's score in as few turns as possible.

Read our full Balatro review here

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Eld Tree (PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, PC)

Will the DLC qualify for Game of the Year? Who knows. But with more gameplay, story, and more heart-pounding challenges than its competitors, Shadow of the Erdtree is a worthy contender.

Building on the critically acclaimed Elden Ring that launched two years ago, Shadow expands on the fun and frustration of the base game, set in a new Realm of Shadows that gives players complete freedom to decide where and how they travel.

With a host of new weapons, spells, and fearsome monsters to overcome, this expansion presents one of the biggest challenges of 2024. To unlock the content, you'll need to own the base game and have reached a certain point in the original story, but considering the critical acclaim and influence Elden Ring has garnered, this doesn't seem like a bad thing.




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