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Ridat boosts medical equipment manufacturing with export project

Ridat boosts medical equipment manufacturing with export project


London, UK-based thermoforming equipment specialist Ridat has demonstrated its capabilities to support the international medical device market through a new project for 3BY.

Ridat delivered a model 4030MM Midmatic vacuum forming machine and a 406RCP roller cutting press to the company, a leading provider of turnkey solutions for medical device companies.

Founded in 1994, 3BY specializes in the manufacturing of medical parts, devices and systems using advanced injection molding and manufacturing techniques. The company serves leading international companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Edwards Life Sciences and West Pharmaceutical Services.

Ridat said the company's technology will help 3BY further enhance its manufacturing capabilities and realize improved production efficiency.

The Ridats Model 4030MM Midmatic Vacuum Forming Machine is a reel-fed thermoforming machine with a forming area of ​​1000mm x 750mm. Operation is fully automated allowing for uninterrupted production with minimal operator oversight. Material is indexed by a set of rollers driven by a stepper motor and sheets are separated by a center pull guillotine driven by a pneumatic cylinder.

This model also includes standard Ridat features such as a user-friendly microprocessor system with zone control capabilities that aid in fault detection and allow precise zone temperature control.

Around 400 Ridats Midmatic vacuum forming machines are in operation in various sectors around the world.

The Ridats Model 406RCP Roller Press provides a cost-effective means of trimming and forming sheets of plastic materials, as well as processing rubber, leather, wood and board materials, with a maximum cutting width of 1016mm.

The material is placed on a low-cost straightedge knife tool and covered with a pressure pad. The foam is separated as the sandwich passes between motorized pressure rollers.

Ridat has over 60 years of experience in manufacturing thermoforming equipment and supplying related accessories with over 2,500 installations in over 65 countries.

Dipak Sen Gupta, Director at Ridat, said: “Our 4030MM Midmatic vacuum forming machine and 406RCP roller cutting press are robust, reliable and cost-effective solutions ideally suited to the demands of medical device manufacturing. We are pleased to support 3BY with this technology and to work with the Israeli team on specification, installation and training.”

Over the past 12 months we have seen a significant increase in international demand for our thermoforming solutions and we are proud to be supplying technology that powers manufacturing operations around the world.

Ridat offers one-stop packaging plants including manual, semi-automatic and automatic vacuum forming machines and related accessories like blister sealers and roller presses etc. With over 70 different products.




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