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NATO's DIANA accelerator seeks technologies in five focus areas for new funding round

NATO's DIANA accelerator seeks technologies in five focus areas for new funding round


A wireframe fighter jet sits atop a computer chip. (Getty Images/Breaking Defense Graphics)

WASHINGTON NATO's Defence Innovation Accelerator (DIANA) has announced five new defence and security challenges for the second year of its six-month accelerator programme aimed at helping start-ups from allied nations develop dual-use technologies to address critical security challenges.

The coalition is seeking better technologies to address challenges in energy and power, data and information security, sensing and monitoring, human health and performance, and critical infrastructure and logistics, according to a July 1 announcement.

“Against all these challenges, innovators are encouraged to consider how their solutions can increase resilience, exploit space's potential for discovery and innovation, and support environmentally friendly technologies and practices,” the NATO release stated.

Related: NATO plans to accelerate dual-use technology innovation engine

Emerging deep technologies are exactly where innovation and security meet, and their development is on the rise in Estonia and around the world, Estonian Minister of Economy and Information Technology Tiit Liisalo, who is hosting the DIANA regional hub, said in a separate press release. “DIANA opens the door to new opportunities, and we encourage startups to get involved. Solutions born from entrepreneurs' new ideas will boost economic growth, and their potential in both the civil and defense sectors will contribute to security and innovation across society.”

After a pilot year of the accelerator program, Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pefkuru said the alliance has received “incredibly positive feedback” and will continue for another year, describing the program as an important catalyst for innovation.

Companies accepted into the accelerator program will receive 100,000 pounds ($108,300), with the most qualified companies receiving up to 300,000 pounds (about $325,000). Selected companies will also have access to more than 180 testing centers and a mentor network across NATO. In addition to Estonia, the accelerator program has locations in Denmark, the United States, and Italy.

Kadri Tamai, head of Tenopol's DIANA Estonia Accelerator, said in an Estonian government announcement that 44 companies from 19 countries were accepted into the program last year and have already made significant leaps in their technology development, gained influential new customers and raised investments.

According to the Estonian announcement, companies interested in applying must submit a five-page form outlining their technology solution, highlighting its relevance to the challenges of space, resilience and sustainability.

Applications are currently being accepted and will close on August 9, with applicants to begin the program in January next year. All dual-use technology companies registered in a NATO member state are eligible to apply.





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