Pitch competition highlights Ontario agricultural tech talent
Out of five entries, greenhouse and vertical farming technology came out on top in this year's Ontario Agriculture Technology Pitch Competition.
On June 20, Interius Farms won the competition, which saw five innovative early-stage Ontario-based startups pitch their products to a panel of investors.
The event was hosted by the University of Guelph's Office of Research and Innovation in collaboration with the Ontario Government through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.
The competition aimed to bring together farmers, academics, agritech entrepreneurs and investors to raise awareness about problems worth solving and showcase companies worthy of investment.
Interius Farms co-founder Jonny Lawson convinced the judges that his company, which combines greenhouse and vertical farming techniques to grow fresh, sustainable produce, had the greatest potential impact, and his entry won the top-in-class prize of $10,000.
“This win is a great help for our future projects, as it will enable us to get pilot projects up and running,” Lawson said after the event. “Expanding our network and working with the University of Guelph in particular is very important to us. We've already made a lot of good connections today.”
“One of the messages we want to send to the world is that we definitely need more early stage investment in Canada, especially in sustainability of agricultural technology. It's really tough financially, so getting that exposure is really important.”
“It's always a great day when we have entrepreneurs, especially those at this level, come to campus,” said Tyler Zemlak, innovation strategy manager for the Office of Research and Innovation. “They all did a fantastic job, so it was a very difficult decision to choose the winner.”
Beck's Bros. was voted People's Choice by the audience and won a $2,500 prize. The company sells bone broth in powder form that consumers mix with water to make a “bone broth latte” or “hot chocolate,” and each serving contains 15 grams of protein.
The company's founder and CEO, Becky Prime, and COO and “food sustainability engineer” Domenic Mastronardi, say they plan to launch a third product in the coming months and begin exporting by the end of the year.
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