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Google updates Gemini with new voices

Google updates Gemini with new voices


Overview Google Gemini is gradually improving, and the AI ​​chatbot has gained a new voice on Android devices. This new female voice is likely part of a test, and will be enabled automatically without user intervention. There is currently no way to revert to the previous voice, but that option may be added soon.

While there are many great things about the Google Gemini chatbot, it is not without its flaws. Google is trying its best to bridge the gap between Gemini and Assistant features, but the former still has some room to fill. While basic features like timers and alarms are expected to be added soon, it was recently discovered that Gemini may also get support for new voices. The current setup only offers one male voice. It seems that Google has already started rolling out this change to the Gemini app, but with limited functionality.

Related: How to change the voice of your Google Assistant

Google Assistant sounds better than ever

Gemini defaults to text-only responses, but there's a speaker icon in the top right of each result that will read it aloud. The good folks at 9to5Google discovered that results are now read in a new female voice instead of the old male voice. It turns out this experience is already available on my Android phone, too.

But as 9to5Google points out, there's currently no way to revert to the previous voices. This suggests that Google is still testing new voices for Gemini, and that the latest addition could be one of many to come. For now, the rollout appears to be limited to Android phones only, with the Gemini experience on the web and on iPhones still using the old voices.

In contrast to Gemini, Google Assistant allows users to choose from 12 different voices, each identified by a specific color. Since Google wants to eventually replace Assistant with Gemini, it is likely that the company will offer new voices following a similar pattern with an emphasis on familiarity.

Gemini is slowly catching up with his assistant

While Google Gemini is not in a position to completely replace Assistant at this time, work is underway to make it easier for users to transition to chatbots in the future. In addition to the timers and alarms mentioned above, Gemini also recently introduced the ability to respond to queries from the lock screen. This is a useful addition for a chatbot, but it still lacks some of the features found in Assistant.

Google Gemini is also working on supporting routines, one of the key features missing from chatbots. This should migrate many Assistant users to Gemini. Until now, the lack of routines has prevented users from switching to Gemini. Google Gemini could also be more usable on larger screen devices like foldables and tablets by allowing users to run two chatbot instances at the same time.




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