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Google AI predicts long-term climate trends and weather in minutes

Google AI predicts long-term climate trends and weather in minutes


Accurate forecasts help us prepare for extreme weather events like tropical storms. Credit: NOAA/Getty

Computer models that combine traditional weather forecasting techniques with machine learning have outperformed other artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools in predicting weather scenarios and long-term climate trends.

The tool, published in Nature on July 22, is the first machine learning model to generate accurate ensemble weather forecasts covering a range of scenarios. The development of this tool makes it faster and less energy-intensive than existing tools, while providing more detailed forecasts than approaches based solely on AI.

Traditional climate models have to be run on supercomputers; “this model can run in minutes,” says study co-author Stephan Heuer, who studies deep learning at Google Research in Mountain View, California.

Current forecasting systems typically rely on general circulation models (GCMs) – programs that use the laws of physics to simulate Earth's ocean and atmospheric processes and predict how they affect weather and climate. But GCMs require a lot of computing power, and advances in machine learning are starting to provide more efficient alternatives. “We have terabytes or even petabytes (a million times a gigabyte) of historical weather data,” Heuer says. “We can learn from these patterns to build better models.”

Several machine learning forecasting models are already available, such as Pangu-Weather, developed by Huawei, a technology conglomerate based in Shenzhen, China, and GraphCast, from London-based DeepMind. These models have a level of accuracy comparable to typical GCMs for deterministic forecasts that generate single weather forecasts. However, GCMs are less reliable for ensemble forecasts or long-term climate predictions.

The problem with a pure machine learning approach is that it can only be trained on data it has already seen, says Scott Hosking, who researches AI and environmental data at the Alan Turing Institute in London. Because the climate is constantly changing and we are entering an unknown world, machine learning models need to extrapolate into that unknown future. By bringing physics into the model, we can ensure that the model is physically constrained and cannot do unrealistic things.

Hybrid Model

Heuer and his team developed and trained NeuralGCM, a model that combines aspects of traditional, physically-based atmospheric solvers with some AI components, Heuer says. They used the model to create short-term and long-term weather and climate forecasts. To evaluate the accuracy of NeuralGCM, the researchers compared its predictions to actual data and the output of other models, including GCMs and models based purely on machine learning.

Like current machine learning models, NeuralGCM can produce accurate short-term deterministic weather forecasts one to three days ahead while consuming a fraction of the power required by GCMs. But when producing long-term forecasts beyond seven days, it has much fewer errors than other machine learning models. In fact, NeuralGCM's long-term forecasts are similar to those from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Ensemble Model (ECMWF-ENS), a GCM widely recognized as the gold standard for weather forecasting.

The research team also tested how accurately the models could predict various weather phenomena, such as tropical cyclones. They found that many of the pure machine learning models produced inconsistent and inaccurate forecasts compared to both NeuralGCM and ECMWF-ENS. The researchers compared NeuralGCM to an ultra-high-resolution climate model known as the Global Storm-Resolving Model. NeuralGCM was able to generate more realistic numbers and tracks of tropical cyclones in a shorter time frame.

Hosking says being able to predict such events is crucial for improving decision-making capabilities and preparation strategies.

Heuer and his colleagues are keen to further improve and adapt NeuralGCM. “We've been working on the atmospheric component of modeling the Earth's system, which is probably the part that most directly affects our daily weather,” Heuer says. In addition, the team hopes to incorporate more aspects of geoscience into future versions to further improve the accuracy of the model.




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