60 Second Study: Improving Wheelchair Accessibility Using EMG Technology and Video Games

Whether solving the world's biggest problems or investigating the potential of new discoveries, UCF researchers are at the forefront of scientific breakthroughs aiming to make an impact. Through the Research in 60 Seconds series, student and faculty researchers can condense complex research into bite-sized summaries and learn how and why the Knights plan to improve the world.
Name: Pavan Senthil Major: Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Sciences, Neuroscience
Why were you interested in this research? Limbitless Solutions' research projects offered a unique opportunity to be involved at the intersection of engineering and medicine. Our bionic arm and Project Xavier utilise innovative electromyography (EMG) technology to develop clinical applications aimed at improving users' quality of life through assistive devices.
As an aspiring biomedical engineer, these projects aligned perfectly with my academic and professional interest in developing assistive technology. It's inspiring to be able to directly help others through my coursework and research, especially as an undergraduate. I am deeply grateful to be part of an organization that not only supports my professional development, but is dedicated to such a positive cause.
What inspired you to get started in research at UCF? Having taken the AP Capstone program in research in high school, I came to UCF with the goal of continuing my involvement in research at the undergraduate level. I was fortunate to have many opportunities available to me through various programs at UCF. The peer mentoring program in the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) and the student researchers I met through the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a student organization on campus, were a great help in introducing me to different ways to get involved in research.
I learned about Limbitless research through an Honors Symposium course and was encouraged by both faculty and peers to apply to the program. Limbitless allowed me to immerse myself in a variety of research opportunities in both individual and team environments. UCF and Limbitless's commitment to promoting undergraduate research was extremely influential in my decision to continue my research after graduation.
Who is your mentor? Who inspires you and how? My mentor is Dr. Albert Manero (12 14MS 16PhD), co-founder and executive director of Limbitless Solution and head of the company's research team. Dr. Manero aligned my career interests with my undergraduate research journey and pushed me to develop my capabilities as a researcher. Under his guidance, I found a role model who inspires those around me through his passion for accessible technology research and his dedication to helping his team grow and succeed.
At Limbitless, I continue to be inspired by our highly interdisciplinary team of undergraduate students, ranging from pre-med researchers to engineers and video game developers. Our diverse expertise and ability to collaborate makes our projects possible. Through this experience, I have met a community of talented and hardworking people who have always offered me support and resources to help me overcome personal and professional challenges.
How does UCF support my research?The UCF Office of Undergraduate Research has been an invaluable resource in supporting my research at Limbitless. OUR encourages research through a variety of programs, including summer undergraduate research fellowships, student scholar symposia, and funding for research conferences in collaboration with the Student Government Association. Additionally, OUR helps new researchers build their skills through workshops such as poster creation, academic paper writing, and research grant applications. Participating in these programs has greatly increased my confidence in my research abilities and allowed me to network with like-minded people on campus. The support and resources provided by UCF through OUR have played a critical role in moving forward in my research journey at Limbitless.
Why is this research important? People with reduced or no mobility often rely on caregivers to perform basic tasks. Patients with neurodegenerative diseases, particularly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), can regain a sense of independence by using personal tools like the control system our team developed. Project Xavier aims to improve the quality of life for these people by providing them with an alternative method of wheelchair control.
Led by Professor Peter Smith 05 12PhD and Professor Matt Dombrowski 05 08 MFA, the Limbitless Games team developed a video game training method in collaboration with the Nicholson School of Communication and Media and the School of Visual Arts and Design to help users practice using their facial muscles to control their wheelchair. The video game, called Limbitless Journey, provides a low-stress training environment that complements everyday wheelchair use, while also promoting user independence through eye-tracking-based menu navigation. Using video games as an effective tool in rehabilitation forms a large part of Limbitless research, and the Project Xavier training initiative aims to investigate the effectiveness of Limbitless Journey in clinical applications.
Research into the creation and implementation of accessible technology overall is essential to promoting quality of life and equal opportunity for communities. Designing for inclusion allows traditionally excluded populations to contribute diverse perspectives to conversations about accessibility. Their insights lead to more accessible solutions and ensure technology meets the needs of all users.
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