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Department of Science, Technology and Innovation receives R10.6 billion budget

Department of Science, Technology and Innovation receives R10.6 billion budget


Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Professor Blade Nzimande, voted on the ministry's budget in Parliament yesterday.

The Government is determined to find creative ways to increase total spending on research and development to 1.5% of GDP by 2030/31.

This was stated by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Professor Blade Nzimande, as ministries voted on their budgets for the first time under the seventh administration.

Yesterday, President Nzimande and Deputy Minister Nomalungelo Jina presented the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSI) budget, which highlighted priorities for the 2024/25 financial year.

The role of science, technology and innovation (STI) in driving South Africa's development has been clearly outlined, with the government frequently stating its target of achieving 1.5% of GDP in R&D spending.

Speaking during the budget vote, the minister noted that this goal can only be achieved if both the state and the private sector increase the level of investment in research, development and innovation.

Cabinet also approved the STI Budget Coordination Framework to improve inter-governmental budget allocation for STI and enable collaborative planning across government.

For 2024/25, the department of science and innovation will receive a budget of R10.6 billion, down slightly from last year's R10.9 billion.

The DSI budget vote directly responds to the action plan outlined by the President in his Opening Speech, of which he specifically mentioned the hydrogen economy.

According to Nzimande, his department is leading major innovations to accelerate the transition to green hydrogen as an alternative energy source to boost the economy and foster a net-zero energy future. To ensure coordination and unity of purpose across government, the President has established an Inter-Ministerial Committee on Hydrogen, headed by the Vice President.

In March, the Kelvin power station conducted a second demonstration of CoalCO2-X, a new technology that converts carbon dioxide emissions into sulfuric acid, a vital ingredient in the production of phosphate fertiliser for agriculture – an example of how we can decarbonise our economy whilst creating new value and jobs in it.

In line with the ministry’s strategic objective of using science diplomacy to promote human solidarity and social justice and support the country’s foreign policy, Nzimande formally announced a new programme to enable Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) collaboration between South Africa and Palestine.

He said the program would also place a special emphasis on supporting the preservation, reconstruction and development of Palestine's research and innovation capacity and infrastructure.

According to the Minister, the agreement includes joint research projects between South African and Palestinian researchers, seed funding for the creation of a South African-Palestinian knowledge network, hosting Palestinian academics and students in South Africa through an exchange programme, and sharing South African policy experiences on science policy and systems development.

The new programme will be implemented by the Department’s NRF and funded from the Department’s existing budget for international cooperation.

Despite the challenges, we present this Budget as a commitment to transform our nation's innovation system and harness science, technology and innovation to have a transformative impact on the lives of our people.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister Gina revealed that DSI is finalising the establishment of a Local Government Innovation Fund to support technology and innovation projects at the local government level.

Gina said that in line with global trends in innovation development and support, DSI will expand the pilot phase of its Innovation Fund programme to promote the creation and growth of technology start-ups and other SME sectors.

As of March 2024, the Innovation Fund has over R917.2 million in investment capital to accelerate venture capital.

Concluding her speech, she said that DSI looked forward to placing STI at the centre of driving economic growth, including for South Africa's SMMEs, over the next five years.




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