Schumer, Binghamton-led Battery HU…
![Schumer, Binghamton-led Battery HU… Schumer, Binghamton-led Battery HU…](
Thanks to Schumer, the Binghamton University-led NENY initiative has garnered historic hundreds of millions of dollars in funding and national recognition through NSF Regional Innovation Engines, the Build Back Better Regional Challenge and Federal Technology Hub designation – all programs created by the senator.
Schumer, along with the Department of Commerce, will host a meeting on Capitol Hill for Battery Hub leaders to showcase their technology assets to other federal agencies, philanthropic organizations and private investors, and will provide $500,000 in new funding through his Tech Hub program, as well as highlighting increased public and private investment in the ongoing effort to build the future of American battery innovation.
Schumer: Binghamton has proven its capabilities as a core part of innovation for America's Battery Belt
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, a passionate advocate for innovation and manufacturing growth in the Southern region, welcomed representatives from the Binghamton University-led Battery Hub in Upstate New York to Washington, D.C. and the U.S. Capitol this week to promote the region's growth in R&D and innovation to federal agencies, philanthropic organizations and private investors. Schumer also presented Binghamton University with a $500,000 Consortium Accelerator Award through the Federal Tech Hub program he created at CHIPS & Science Law, further bolstering the region's efforts to increase capital investment and attract new companies.
“This week, we showed the country that American batteries can and should be made in Binghamton, not Beijing,” said Senator Schumer. “I'm proud to bring representatives from Binghamton University and our partners to the Capitol to show philanthropists and private investors that Binghamton's New Energy New York and other leading high-tech companies in upstate New York are leading the effort to bring battery innovation back to the United States. For years, I've worked to develop and pass a series of new programs, especially with places like Binghamton and upstate New York in mind, to spur economic development, bring manufacturing back to the United States, create good-paying jobs, and stimulate scientific innovation. And with hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding that I've secured, that vision is becoming a reality. Working together, we're creating jobs and attracting new companies to the region while strengthening the battery supply chain. I look forward to making even more progress as we continue to establish Binghamton as a hub for battery research and manufacturing.”
“I am so proud of Binghamton and all of our consortium partners for these successful efforts in the battery and energy storage space,” said Binghamton University President Harvey G. Stenger. “We are pleased to receive additional federal funding to support our progress, and we are grateful to Senator Schumer, who has been our biggest advocate and staunch supporter. Not only has he brought even more federal funding to the region, but he has once again brought national attention to the Southern region and upstate New York, which has been extremely helpful in connecting our region with industry prospects and potential investors. This kind of support is invaluable.”
Schumer said the $500,000 Tech Hub Program Consortium Accelerator award he will announce this week will allow the Binghamton-led battery hub to maintain momentum. And the benefits of the Tech Hub designation continue to grow, reflecting even more ways federal agencies and community partners can accelerate the growth of tech hubs. Schumer's meeting was part of a multi-day opportunity for designated tech hubs to promote their regions to philanthropic leaders, including notable foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation and private investors such as venture capital funds, to showcase the region's investment opportunities and attract additional private capital to efforts to develop those regions into innovation leaders. Attached is a photo of Senator Schumer and Binghamton leaders.
The event was attended by distinguished guests and dignitaries including Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves, Director of the National Science Foundation Sethuraman Panchanathan, and U.S. Economic Development Administrator Alejandra Castillo, as well as representatives from other federal agencies such as the White House, Department of Defense, and Department of State. Additionally, think tank leaders such as the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Aspen Institute, and the Brookings Institution were also in attendance. Schumer, who organized the reception on Capitol Hill, encouraged collaboration and further investment to build a growing ecosystem that is commensurate with the federal investment he has supported and brought to the region, and to foster further private sector growth.
Schumer has long fought to secure federal investment to spur battery manufacturing and research and development in Binghamton and upstate New York. Recently, Schumer announced that the Binghamton University-led Upstate New York Energy Storage Engine won the prestigious National Science Foundation Regional Innovation Engine Competition (NSF ENGINE), created by his CHIPS & Science Law. According to Schumer, the Binghamton University-led project is one of only 10 projects nationwide selected for the award, which will bring $15 million in immediate federal funding and a total of $160 million from NSF over the life of the program, accelerating growth and cutting-edge research in battery development and manufacturing in upstate New York.
Schumer earned the prestigious tech hub designation for Binghamton University's New Energy New York (NENY) project, which he created through the CHIPS & Science Act, to accelerate the Southern Tier's emergence as America's next battery tech hub. The designation unlocked $500,000 in CHIPS & Science Act funding this week, as well as potential philanthropic and private sector investment. Schumer designed the tech hub program to strengthen the region's capacity to commercialize, manufacture and grow technology in key focus areas like batteries. And now, thanks to his efforts, Binghamton is spurring innovation and bringing battery manufacturing back to America, while simultaneously supporting the Southern Tier's economic recovery.
In addition to national recognition through the NSF Engine Award and Tech Hub Program, Schumer's American Rescue Plan created programs such as the $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge (BBBRC) that also supports Binghamton's efforts. Schumer personally advocated for Binghamton University's battery hub proposal to be selected for this BBBRC federal investment, and in December 2021, Binghamton's project was selected as a Phase 1 winner from among more than 500 submissions from across the country competing for the final award. In April 2022, Schumer personally visited the Southern Tier to voice his support alongside Dr. Whittingham and urge federal leaders to select Binghamton as the final winner of the Regional Challenge.
Ultimately, in September 2022, Schumer secured Binghamton's status as the final awardee, securing $63.7 million in federal investment. This was one of the largest grants offered in the competition, and, with $50 million in matching funding from New York State, will help position the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes as a national hub for battery research and manufacturing. Additionally, Schumer invited Dr. Whittingham to be a guest at last year's State of the Union address, highlighting Binghamton's national leadership in battery technology.
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