She was 19 and had been in a car accident. The other driver helped her. NPR
After a car accident, Lila Crevy finds comfort from an unexpected stranger. Lila Crevy hides caption
. Lila Crevy
This story is part of the Hidden Brain team's “My Unsung Hero” series, featuring stories of people who have left a lasting impression on others through their kindness.
On a Monday morning in 2012, Lila Creevey was commuting from her boyfriend's house in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to her university, about an hour away, for her usual commute. She stepped outside to find a classic Midwestern winter scene: overcast skies casting an even grayer hue on the gray-white snow that coated her car.
After wiping the windshield, Creevey got into his car and drove to a nearby gas station, where he filled up with gas, bought a coffee and set off again towards the highway, but as he left the station he crashed into another car.
“It was a total head-on collision,” Crevy said. The car was silver-grey, so I think it blended in with the Skylines. But I also know it was my own fault. I wasn't paying attention. I was young and I thought I was invincible.
Crevy was unconscious for several minutes, but regained consciousness, got out of the car and began walking toward the crashed vehicle, about 30 feet away.
It was really scary because the whole driver's side was crushed. I felt scared right away. [the driver] The fact that he was sitting there [she was] It probably hurt.
To his surprise and relief, the driver, a woman a little older than Crevy, was standing next to the car. She appeared completely unharmed. Crevy, who had been crying already, began to sob.
“I was 19 years old. This was a really horrible thing that happened. And I was the one who did it. I felt so sorry, but at the same time, I was like a baby in that moment,” Crevy recalls. “And this woman, this angel, instead of yelling at me or thinking I was entitled or thinking I was being reckless, just held me and treated me like a mother in that moment. And that's what I really needed.”
After the tears subsided, Crevy asked the driver if he was OK, and when he said yes, she couldn't believe it.
“I mean, there's no way I could have crashed into her driver's side and she'd be okay,” Crebby said.
As it turned out, the woman was fitted with a metal prosthesis that helped protect her from the impact of the fall, and Creby left feeling grateful and amazed by the exchange.
While I'm not a huge believer in God, there are some experiences that have made me question the idea. “Hanging my car into a woman who happened to have a prosthetic arm is definitely one of them,” she said.
Since the accident, Crevy hasn't had any contact with the woman she hit, but she thinks about her often.
I learned a lot from her. Everyone makes mistakes, but if you treat them kindly in that moment, that mistake can mean a lot to them and they can get more out of it. And she didn't have to do that, but she did.
My Unsung Hero is also a podcast, with new episodes released every Tuesday. To share your unsung hero story with the Hidden Brain team, record a voice note on your phone and send it to [email protected].
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