RIT Experts Shock Hollywood at Digital AI Summit
RIT's experts in artificial intelligence, screenwriting and digital design made a big impact on Hollywood this week at one of the world's leading entertainment, media and technology conferences.
The Digital Hollywood AI Summer Summit, held virtually from July 22-24, featured presentations on generative AI in the entertainment and media industries from those leading this innovation transformation.
Representing RIT at the Summit:
Frank Deess, an associate professor in the School of Art and Design's Department of Film and Animation, spoke in a session called “AI and Hollywood Writers and Directors: Human/Machine Writers vs. Machines.” In the session, Deess, a 25-year veteran screenwriter, and panelists discussed the AI scriptwriting and production process by competing against the latest AI Hollywood software to craft a compelling story from concept to completion. Deess' blog summarizes his feedback on the presentation.
Dees's credits include Steven Spielberg's TV drama Ghost Train, The Principal with Jim Belushi, and the semi-autobiographical film Josh & Sam starring Jacob Tierney, Martha Plimpton and a young Jake Gyllenhaal. He has written for Universal Pictures, Castle Rock Entertainment and Dreamworks, and is an advocate of teaching student film virtual production and low-budget previs using the Unreal Game Engine.
Sean Foster, professor in the School of Design and undergraduate program director for 3D Digital Design, gave a talk titled “AI, Video, 3D Images, Photography, and Computer Vision – Revolutionary Technologies.” An expert in next-generation interactive 3D, Foster and other visual artists shared their experiences applying video and image manipulators, enhancers, and upscalers to their creative work. In his blog, Foster shared his thoughts on how AI is shaping the future of art in digital Hollywood.
Foster's current interests include XR/VR eye tracking, AI, virtual production, and collaborative 3D via Unreal Engine Fortnite. This summer he is working on an international collaboration using Unreal Engine Fortnite, exploring the intersection of 3D digital design with emerging generative AI, collaboration, and education.
Cecilia Alm, professor of psychology in the College of Liberal Arts, in her presentation, “Virtual Human Inquiry: Hyper-Realistic Synthesis of Nuance and Emotion, Vocal Expressions, Facial Movement, Feelings, and Prose,” explored whether humans can form emotional connections with virtual or synthetic beings. This theme was showcased in films such as “Her” and “Blade Runner,” and today conversations with chatbots have evolved further in their ability to explore complex, philosophical, and emotional questions.
Alm is co-program director of RIT's Master's in Artificial Intelligence program, director of the Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing Lab, and associate director of the Center for Human Cognitive AI. Her research interests include human-inspired multimodal AI systems, AI in affective computing, and AI talent development.
RIT has long been a key contributor to the entertainment industry, and this fall the university will expand its presence in Los Angeles through RIT LA, an integrated academic studies program led by former Disney executive and RIT alumnus Tom Connor, who joined RIT last year as associate dean and professor of practice.
“We are thrilled to be able to showcase the expertise of our faculty in a forum like Digital Hollywood,” Connor said. “RIT has long been a pioneer in the field of entertainment science and technology. Our faculty are uniquely qualified to contribute to emerging questions at the intersection of technology and creativity, and many of our graduates are industry leaders in these fields.”
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