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4 Surprising Health Benefits of Potatoes

4 Surprising Health Benefits of Potatoes



1. Lowers blood pressure

Potassium is one of those nutrients that we don't often think about, yet most Americans don't meet the recommended intake each day. This fact might make you reach for a banana, and yes, bananas are a great source of potassium. But before you do, consider this: A medium baked potato with skin has more than twice the potassium as a medium banana. Potatoes are potassium superstars.

This is important because potassium helps flush sodium from your body through urine. Sodium is known to raise blood pressure, but unlike potassium, most of us consume more salt than we need every day. An imbalance in the ratio of potassium to sodium in your body can lead to problems with blood pressure. High blood pressure can also increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Many older adults have blood pressure issues, so cutting potatoes and potassium out of their diet can be a big problem, Slavin says.

In fact, potatoes are a star in the DASH diet, which is designed to lower blood pressure, thanks to their high potassium content. Skip the butter, sour cream, and salt, and instead season with heart-healthy herbs, garlic, olive oil, and lemon.

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Weight management

Surprise! You may have given up on potatoes in your quest to shed those mysterious pounds that creep up on you as you get older, but cooked and cooled potatoes may be your secret weight loss weapon.

Raw potatoes contain a type of fiber called resistant starch, which your body digests only slowly. Studies have shown that this type of starch can help with weight loss because it keeps you fuller longer, so you eat less. However, when potatoes are cooked, most of the resistant starch turns into a gelatin-like substance that is digested very quickly. This may be why you might think you shouldn't eat potatoes.

But when you cool it, a little miracle happens: some of the sticky stuff turns into resistant starch, which is good for you.

That's certainly better than eating hot potatoes, which are generally quicker to digest, says Hu.

One study found that baking potatoes before putting them in the refrigerator increased resistant starch more than boiling them, but both cooking methods had an effect.

“I like to boil potatoes and store them in the fridge before using them in a dish,” Slavin says, which super softens them and increases their resistant starch.

Try Slavins' tips for making a Nioise salad or a quick frittata with canned tuna. When cooked and cooled potatoes are reheated, they lose some of their resistant starch, but they still generally contain more resistant starch than freshly cooked potatoes.




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